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Member Since:Nov 06, 2009
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Reviewed City Limouzines
COPIED FROM GMAIL GROUP :Anticipatory Bail petition has been applied for Geeta and Seema Razzaki inSessions Court, Mumbai. The first hearing is tomorrow at 11Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vsasidharan's review
Dear Sachin, Just join www.citylimoscandal.com led by Manohar Lohia. You would get live updates of latest happenings there. You may also give your mobile number for latest updates to him.
Mr Sashidharan, pls join the google group and provide your mobile number there. You would definitely get latest updates via SMS.
Commented on vishal.rinkuuu's review
Thank you Vishal, for explaining in a very simple manner.
Could anybody pls tell, wat is ground clearance ? Could anybody pls tell, wat is ground clearance ?
Commented on dinu16d79's review
Mr Patil, thanks for the effort and pain you have taken to write this. Most of the people know the news. Agar ye news aap usi din hi deta tho bahut accha hota.l Thanks once again.
Vishal & vnvgp, your reviews and comments only make me more excited and eager to get as soon as possible. vngvp, could u pls tell about the mileage if gives now ?
Commented on dinesh16d79's review
See Elector, cases have to be filed, file upon file no doubt to get our money back. Manohar has been advocating to file cases to make the case stronger. You seem to have bitter experience with him. Why dont you clear with him. Elector, Johnywalker and others, we need not discuss about Manohar Lohia/ Read More...
Yes Dinesh, wat you have written are all bitter facts. There is no need to elaborate. Tommorow share market is closed. Join the Rally by investors at Azad maidan, CST, opposite BMC building, from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm on 19/12/2009. You may address the investors if you choose to.
Commented on pala.srinivasarao's review
Baby, what is the mileage you are getting ? How long did it take for deliver ?
Commented on aspmlf's review
Yes, Avinash, initially even I had this gut feeling. You should know that such companies operate on the principle ' Take from peter and pay paul, that is ' iski topi uske sar '. Now due to recession the number of ' peters' declined and hence became difficult to pay paul. The company will com Read More...
Commented on citycops's review
Yes Samreen,excellent write up. Investors need not loose hope. We need to keep ignore and keep at bay, the comments by people who bring negative energies.
Rated on citycops's review
Commented on faisal_7652004's review
Sadashiv, what would be your contribution if Manohar does something ?
Commented on sajisumesh's review
Saji, we understand you intentions. This company is a ponzi company. Will shut shop very soon. Beware. I spoke to some representatives, who gave evasive replies. Cannot be trusted. For that matter companies which give such returns do not last as the model of the returns are not sustainable. I sug Read More...
Commented on maneajay's review
Rain aqua, Is this true wat you said about Mhatre ? Bhai yeh toh dangerous hai!! If any people have reason to fight Massood, they share a common platform. But in case of Mhatre, he was not there for the rally, and I find him badmouthing Manohar here. Now I understand why you called him Masood ma Read More...
Commented on rainaquaocean's review
What Kunal ? Bhaag gayi/ gaya ? Khetans language must have done the trick !! Don't ever do Masoodgiri here.
Rain Aqua & Rajdr, No need to answer such queries which has got accusing tone. The author is only getting infos from Mouth shut hence these questions. Newspapers from Mumbai and Pune have already described the dramatic manner how Razzakis were caught by Manohar and fellow investors. Kunal Y do Read More...
Rated on rainaquaocean's review
Commented on abdeekhumusi's review
Well Said Lex, why dont you take the initiative to release the Razzakis so that there is no court case and there is a better chance to get our money back quickly. I feel you should convince Mr Manohar to do the needful.
Commented on andy2u4u's review
Dear All, Is it true that there is a reward of Rs One lakh on masoods head for informing about his where abouts ?
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