Since that we are been duped from last 3months for our cheques, some ppl like me still hope everything will be all right by nov (as said by Mansood in DNA newspaper mumbai). But at the same time we should accept the fact that our EMIs are been paid through our hard own earned money.
My money was put into this scheme taking loans from banks. Please suggest if anyone taken loan to invest and how do you repay nowadays? If you are not in position to repay, what answer you give to the bank ppl who are harrasing every now and then. OHHHHHHH GOD PLEASE SAVE ALL THE INVESTORS MONEY.
LAST MONTHS COMMENTS: I almost invested 6lacs in last two years. but not getting any returns from last two months. When I spoke to one of the Citi Limouzines staff, she said we would get atleast our principal amount back if they would want to shut down. My question is, will we get principal amount even if our money has been covered from them, see I have loans running which I did taken from banks to invest in citi realcom.
Now from last two month I have not paid my EMI and bank people keep coming my place for payment, I have no money to pay to them. I am sure there are lot of investors who have taken loan from banks to invest in citi limouzines.
I am also jobless now. The only earning was from citi limouzines. I am totally broke and dont know what to do. I am now waiting for 7th October lets see what happns. Lets hope for the best now.