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Member Since:Sep 14, 2009
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Difficulty in repaying loans
Reviewed City Limouzines
Since that we are been duped from last 3months for our cheques, some ppl like me still hope everything will be all right by nov (as said by Mansood in DNA newRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on manjudevi315's review
Sorry for the post
Rated on ydeven's review
Rated on Sanjana123456's review
Rated on moonstruck24's review
Commented on moonstruck24's review
I totally agree with you, I am one of the member's spouse and seen how I used to fight with my husband when he used to ask me to come and join for the meetings and seminars. He was totally into Amway that time and was not enjoying life nor allowing me to do that. He was told by his seniors to leave Read More...
Commented on KUMARDCK's review
i guess you people should stop giving money to anyone who you hardly know, this person can might change to another masood.
Commented on hjagan329148's review
You go to the EOW office which is opposite to CST station and just besides Times of India office. Go and fill that complaint form and take the acknowledgement from the EOW office. Need help can call me 9920721113
Followed andy2u4u
Commented on 2777rrr's review
hi dear, How are you paying your EMI now???? Even I m in same boat. bank collection officers coming my place daily for money. I don't understand what to do???????? Pls advice??
Rated on faizalbagalore's review
Rated on CITIINVESTOR's review
Rated on kartik007's review
Commented on kartik007's review
I think what you saying is correct but it is not relevent to this topic
Commented on gulsha's review
Hi Gulsha, Can you please tell whether wht does the proxy says if you understand the law language. Does it says that we are going to get only 7% in 12 installments that too only for those who haven't covered their full principal amount. Also what about the investors who have covered their mone Read More...
Rated on citylimo53's review
Rated on urooj786's review
Commented on Vijay1234567's review
hee since many of you all have taken the loans from bank. What you people do when a bank guy comes home to collection??? I had given last months emi from my savings. How to pay every month is the big question. Pls reply
Rated on vmmanohar's review
Commented on binu4spurge's review
where u got this information about the change of date for creditors meeting
Rated on arin_bose's review
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