My view on the City Limouzine Scam is completely non- biased. I have been reading most part of this scam and have known many who have been with the company. The basic is the company has been very good to most of its investors. Until date they have not had a single cheque bounce. Their payments were prompt. This has been the bread to many not in thousands.
I guess much more than that. A few so called who have complained are nothing but a bunch of people who claim themselves to be great profounders of honesty in society whereas its simply jealousy which is a human nature. I am sure they too have hidden skeletons in their cupboard. Ultimately the complainant is done it for their benefit , little do they realise that they are creating a huge conflict of disharmony and misery to the many who depend on this monthly return for their livelihood.
The officials who are investigating, again the so called law makers, keepers are just not bothered about the millions who are suffering. This is how the world is. When one provides a livelihood or shares his profit with many, instead of appreciating.. they tend to pull the structure down. There is nothing called Humanity.
Are all thoughts and acts based on books or is there anything called Humanity which is more important in the Universe than the so called constitutional rules. Rules are created for one to follow but not blindly as when a act is performed based on few evil, jealous social elements, we as human beings, where God has given us the power to think and analyse.. rightly, need to take measures by keeping in mind the repercussions, the effect of certain acts, not by blindly attacking but by being logic about the issue.
This is the way not just in the material court of justice but even in the Unseen Court of justice there are few rules which is always balanced with all fairness. God is not as unfair as Human justice stands. Human beings are always filled with jealousy, vindictive, malicious, conniving as they can never see the betterment of another.. I wonder if the Government officials and the Hall of great justice is truly being just..
This is a great testing time for the people who are the providers of justice to the millions, .. if they are truly just in their verdict. If one cannot see the hidden motives and the dubious agenda of the complainant .. Its sad that this is the beginning of another calamity as the tears of the millions suffering due to their misery, their bread being snatched away...which leads towards poverty... and the downfall of the Universe as God gives enough chances for us to stand for the right...
But when many such opportunities are given, officials fail to see things in better light, causing suffering to millions.. can just be the beginning towards the end or if choice be we can pass the test and create a better surrounding which is called " Justice through Humanity "...
I am eagerly waiting to see if we are heading for our own created disasrous calamity or towards a new beginning .. a new journey.. a new universe.. a new divine Human..
Thank You
Warm Regards
Gulsha Fawzia