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Member Since:Mar 20, 2009
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Instead of wasting our time by investigating on what our fellow beings are upto, , rather use that time in doing something more constructive towards your goal, than waste energy on negativity, as that is ones lack of self confidence and the will power..as the first step to being free of all negativity is stop investigating others and utilize the time and energy towards your uplift. . Humanity Through Community Service
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Act of justice by few, injustice to many !!
Reviewed City Limouzines
My view on the City Limouzine Scam is completely non- biased. I have been reading most part of this scam and have known many who have been with the company. TRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
my dear friend.. I have no vested interest as I am into healing and community service. I dont work for Limouzine. I am a Entrepreneur. My websites www.thinkingspacecorp.com www.lifeinastance.com www.gulsha.art.officelive.com www.lifeinastance.ning.com so kindly know that I am nnot hired by anyon Read More...
Kupi I respect what you say and therefore will stop passing any further comments. I apologize, and I guess my support was more due to my few clients who come to me for counselling, and are not millioners are having a nervous breakdown as this money or return is their livelihood. My expert opinion is Read More...
Commented on mhatreprasad's review
I am convinced with this as I just wrote the same.
Firstly I have no much knowledge of this as I am extremely busy with my other work. All i knew was the bangalore office approached me for help as they said that the matter was in court as some bank officials had lodged a complaint concerning the higher rate of interest. I did not really say much as Read More...
Commented on PCJAIN's review
I am of the opinion that Mr. Pc Jain knows the subject. I think he should take the lead now and do the needful. Thank You and All the best.
Vrmandapaka.. You are right. This is a very important point you have made. And this needs to be highlighted in the right way. Mouthshut is a forum you need to gather all and form a team, approach the right people and make your point highlighted. The Power of Unity is very strong. If Masood is not in Read More...
Soni the proxy says that whatever is paid until date will be calculated and deducted from the principal amount. Balance will be refunded to you which is not as per the agreement. If a agreement holds no value than why make agreements. I guess the government should fulfill the terms of the agreement Read More...
Kindly know that I am not against Masood or anyone rather my point is in being just to the innocent investors. Masood has been prompt with his payments but the law makers are the ones who need to see the issue in better light. This will be another case as Sathyam..
In all fairness without any fear I can tell you that the ones who approached me are none other than the Company representatives. In short they feared their lives at the hands of the rising public. They feared their security. So remember you are powerful and not weak. This information today I have di Read More...
You form the Nation, the Government, the Judiciary and you can destroy it too if you are not given justice .. In the face of international systems of domination, the bringing about of justice depends more and more on the determined will of the human race... claiming one's rights and self-expression. Read More...
The uncertainty of the situation and the painful convergences in the path of the human community direct us to ' .... Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the human race and its liberation from every oppress Read More...
In communion with all who believe in justice and the entire human family, and opening our hearts , we have questioned ourselves about the mission of the People to further justice in the world. . Scrutinizing the 'signs of the times' and seeking to detect the meaning of emerging injustice, while at t Read More...
Dear all.. Firstly let me clarify that i am in no favour of Masood or the officials. Rather i am in the favour of all investors.who have given their hard earned money. Since I was approached on this case by some people, I am aware that it all started with a complaint for the reason of Masood paying Read More...
Rohan.. they have always been prompt with their payments. But when the accounts are freezed how will they pay ?
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Commented on anjumuchil's review
its right we need to make an effort to fight for whats not right.
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bjsrox (@me143queenofheartsMouthShut Verified Member)
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