This company really runs a ponzi scheme. Investors beware. I had invested 1.24 lakhs & just got 17600 till now. Greedy me. The review posted by humaraguru is looking right. Has somebody got a way to atleast get back the amount we have invested forget the interest. Cheques of August 2009 has bounces & the company is just postponing the date from 5th September to 7th September & now to 15th September.
The company is also not registered as an nbfc with rbi. The company is also changing the name from where cheques are issued from city relacom to city hospitalities.
Humaraguru please provide us with the details of directors of the company alongwith the residential addresses so that we can take cumulatively some action against them.Can anyone please also provide the details of shareholders(owners) of the company
By the action taken by the government against the company hopefully we should atleast get our amount invested back.
God save us.