Critics panned this movie and I can understand why. Fans of Adam Sandler, expecting his usual comedy offerings, will doubtless be disappointed as it is much heavier in places. Despite giving you more to think about, it may lose some of your attention in places. Its not the greatest movie youll see this Summer, but a fairly good one nonetheless. I was disappointed in a few aspects. Christopher Walkens character, Morty, for one. Maybe Walken was meant to portray him that way, but I found the acting almost weak and couldnt help comparing it my favorite Walken portrayal in "The Deer Hunter" many years ago, in which he was absolutely brilliant. Despite the fact that on the whole, costume and make up did a good job, I did not like Sandlers character in middle age. The fat suit was ok, the face looked fake and could have been better. I must admit, I wasnt prepared for it to be the way this movie was; the trailers had made it seem light-hearted fun but, having my 12 year old grandson with me, a couple of the scenes were a little embarrassing for us both, particularly the birthing scene (Adam Sandler speaking from inside, during his birth). I dont know that it was a necessary part of the movie, and I felt it was quite tacky. I would also warn parents that there are a couple of scenes with language that some parents might find uncomfortable with, not because of swearing, simply the subject matter - including the scene mentioned here. I feel the story line could have been utilized much better. Did the script let this movie down, was it poor acting or just an overall ‘could do better? I dont really know, possibly a combination of all 3. Sandlers character, Michael Newman, struggles to combine a family with his high powered executive position as an architect, and his family are always coming in last. His self-centered boss (Mr Ammer played by David Hasselhoff) piles on the work, and dangles a promotion (or the threat of it going to someone else) over his head every time there is a project that he wants Michael to work on. Despite wanting to spend more time with his wife and children, Michael stresses himself out and keeps on the job. He feels he has to in order to give his children all the things he wants them to have. He wishes for a way to organize his life ... and in a way gets just that - but what seems like a wonderful thing to begin with turns out to be not so great after all. Without giving much of the movie away, suffice to say, Michael learns that time can never be replaced and that it is a more precious commodity than material things. Supporting cast of Julie Kavner and Henry Winkler, as Michaels parents add little to this movies lacklustreness, unfortunately. I just felt there was something missing although overall, I did enjoy this. It tugged at your heartstrings in a few places and you felt an empathy with Michael Newman. Im just not sure whether this movie ever made up its mind whether it wanted to be a comedy or a serious offering. As said before, critics panned it and I can understand why. It was rather weak in that regard. I know many die-hard Sandler fans will be disappointed with this review and for that, I apologize, However, Im a fan of Adam Sandler too, but Im not sure he really knew what he wanted to show the audience with this one.