How would you like this beautiful woman or handsome man to fall under your attraction spell because of the perceived cleanliness of your teeth? I imagine this has been the situation for you. I have been using Close-up toothbrush for quite some time now. On a few occasions, my dental hygienist and dentist congratulate me for a job well done. More importantly, thanks to the good oral care I give to my mouth, I am not scared to laugh in public and display my assets. Well, for many people of the world, a mouth that still has teeth is the result of a lot of care and investments. Go ahead and be proud of your teeth! If you have them in great conditions, laugh your heart out. Flaunt them! You have done a good job.
On a few occasions, my wife would purchase some other brands. After trying them for a while, they give me headache. And I have to continue using Close-Up toothbrush. Even when we go on vacation, I take my own set of dental items. Its better for me this way. I want to be sure that I have all the comforts right at my fingertips.
Close-up toothbrush is a great personal oral item. And I would recommend you to use it next time.
Going back to this girl with kissable lips...
If there is one thing that attracts to a woman, its her overall hygiene including oral care. A girl with a great smile opens the door to her world. The first things I see are her teeth. When I used to date, thats what I used to pay attention to. You may wonder that was one of the attribute I sought in my current wife. Her teeth are the windows to her soul. And I love her for all these reasons. No wonder when her dental hygienist uncovers some cavity, I accompany to the dental office to support her.
Be proud of your teeth. Start using Close-up toothbrush today!