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Member Since:Aug 29, 2001
0 MS Points
Business person, father, a good friend, writer, author and volunteer to good causes. I speak, write and understand 4 major languages. <b>I edit, translate and make recommendations on <i>documents</i>, ghostwrite, prepare speeches and provide job coaching sessions</b> <i>for a fee</i>. . As an entrepreneur, I am interested in all aspects of business. <b>The business of writing</b> also interests me. I like sharing my travel tales with friends. I like advocating for the poor, disabled, young, dispossessed, the oppressed, immigrants' rights and women's issues. <i>I will bring you reviews you can count on to make your buying decision</i>. Business Homepage: http://explorercharles.hollywood.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
About Me
Education: Graduate (BA, Business Adm. & Marketing)
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In A Hurry To Catch A Flight, Think About Your Lu
Reviewed Miami, FL, USA (MIA) - Intl.
If you intend to travel to Latin America (the Caribbean, Central and South Americas), for sure, you will have to go through Miami Intl Airport. On many Read more...
John Steinbeck's Life, Works & Celebration in
Reviewed United States - General
What you should not miss if you are in Monterey, CA visiting the Monterey Aquarium! During one of our trips to the Monterey Aquarium, my family was invited bRead more...
The Burning Man Experience After Gentleman's Ranc
Reviewed Nevada
A few weeks before our trip, my two friends warned me against some of the things that I will be seeing at Black Rock City, Nevada. Nothing truly prepared me fRead more...
Who Is Covering Foreign Affairs These Days?
Reviewed Local Customs and Traditions in North America
TV networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS and even CNN are getting more and more into the reality programming craze to the detriments of air time to foreign news and Read more...
She Got Kissable Lips & White Teeth To Die Fo
Reviewed Close Up Toothbrush
How would you like this beautiful woman or handsome man to fall under your attraction spell because of the perceived cleanliness of your teeth? I imagine thisRead more...
Fly Into Yosemite Int'l Airport & Head Out To
Reviewed California
Days before the familys trip to Yosemite, a good friend of mine offered me an opportunity to whet my appetite. It was one of these great opportunities tRead more...
Travel To Cuba's Beach Resort Area: Beautiful Sa
Reviewed Cuba
Veradero may not be Rio De Janeiro, but it has its own sets or charms. Among are the resorts, the beaches, the constant sunshine and the people. Veradero is aRead more...
Paradise & Hell Collide
Reviewed Dominican Republic
Border Crossing Series #1: Migration of people from poor to rich countries will be with us for a long time. Lets understand the push and pull forces thaRead more...
Little League World Series Lessons For Adults, Ag
Reviewed Baseball
Its such a tragedy that Little League has come down to this challenge. The recent revelations that one of the top pitchers for the United States tRead more...
Words and Phrases To Be Aware Of When Writing!
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
My own confusion with words commonly misused and words commonly confused No wonder I had to dig for my copy of ’’A Pocket Style Manual’RRead more...
Write Convincingly To Share Your Experience On Mo
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
How To Understand The Writing Process I imagine all MouthShut.com writers go through the same agony of writing. Believe me, it is not that difficult for us tRead more...
Writers, Make Your Opinions Stick Right Here!
Reviewed Mouthshut
MouthShut.com makes all writers, aspiring writers and ordinary mens and womens dreams come true. In fact, if you have gained any experRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
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