The Golden Globe Awards – it’s the Sibling to the Oscars
Movies – Big screens Awards
Picture, Drama: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. …… Tolkien and Peter Jackson get there deserved Nod, I thought the last installment was the best one so far
Actress, Drama: Charlize Theron Monster. Haven’t seen it yet… but man is she Hotttttt
Actor, Drama: Sean Penn Mystic River. Not seen it, but he is one of my favs
Picture, Comedy: Lost in Translation. Bill Murray was awesome… set in Japan this movie touches home with all biz travelers
he also got best actor in a comedy
by the way Bend it like Bekham was nominated as well
Foreign Language: Osama, Afghanistan …. We need Mira Nair to come up with something new…
Supporting Actress: Renee Zellweger Cold Mountain. Haven’t seen it yet…
Supporting Actor: Tim Robbins Mystic River. Not seen yet
Director: Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Screenplay: Sofia Coppola Lost in Translation. Daughter of Francis Ford Coppola( Godfather trilogy)… by the way she played Michael Corleone daughter, the one who gets shot in the end of Godfather 3
Comedy Series: The Office, BBC America. Also had the best actor in comedy series
Actress, Comedy Series: Sarah Jessica Parker Sex and the City. Do they show this in India????? This is their last year….
Movie Made for Television: Angels in America, . What did you think was going to happen with a cast like Al Pacino(also best actor) –Meryl Streep(Best actress)– Emma Thompson – It was written and directed my Kushner… also took the award for best supporting actor and actress. AIA took 5 of the top awards for television