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Member Since:Dec 23, 2003
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Education: Business
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India Shining.. ???
Reviewed India - General
Following is an article by Prof. Dreze on the India Shining Advertising campaign of the NDA govt. In a delightful book called How toRead more...
Jet ting Around India-
Reviewed Jet Airways
I have only, flown Jet Airways in India, so I don?t quite know how to compare it to the rest of the domestic carriers. Every time I visit India for business, Read more...
Da plan- da plan is coming .. oh no
Reviewed Plan
Aaaalrighty then!!!!!! It?s a Thursday evening, and our usual, office happy hour night has been cancelled? so no more boozing and patting each other on the baRead more...
My top 10 Movies
Reviewed Ten Best English Movies
Popcorn, soda, making out in the dark…. That’s what I think about theaters, most Movies now days are basically all about the short term experienceRead more...
Golden Globes
Reviewed CNBC TV 18
The Golden Globe Awards – it’s the Sibling to the Oscars Movies – Big screens Awards Picture, Drama: The Lord of the Rings: ThRead more...
To all who have read the book
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
I will refrain from reviewing the book, as it has been quite well covered on MS. I will however give you some insight into the 2 secret societies this book gRead more...
Charlie Trotters - Chicago -windy city
Reviewed Illinois
I began my love affair with food as a toddler growing up in a house of gourmands, My Grandmothers delectable Kashmiri cuisine, My fathers side being RajRead more...
Reviewed General tips on Travel
Already have 1 review on for florida so I couldnt add this one there Again This review might not tickle the fancy of some of my Desi friends but goes oRead more...
Reviewed Florida
For an Desi website, this review might just be sacrilege, but this place deserves a shout out around the globe……. A younger cousin to the FogoRead more...
Reviewed Sony KPEF53
Didnt knwo where to writ ethis one so here we go. LCD Vs. PLASMA Static Images- LCD works better than a Plasma, because LCD has almost no static imageRead more...
Reviewed Canon Elura 2
Just bought last week, still tinkering with it at the moment For users who are looking for a coat-pocket-size camcorder but dont want to significantly Read more...
The words burst out pure and unfettered, infinite
Reviewed Life of Pi - Yann Martel
In spite of all the comparisons and accusations, Life of Pi is a startlingly original work, not easily slotted into any known category. Not only that -- it brRead more...
Reviewed Windtalkers
Its a shame when a movie like windtalkers takes a interesting subject with all the makings of bloody good movie, and turns it into another piece of HollRead more...
Gastronomic Delight
Reviewed Bheema's - Church Street - Bangalore
Those travelers with lead lined stomachs, Bheema is a must.. a true gastronomic experience, they do food the Andhra-ite way.. in all its sweat inducing, lips Read more...
Centaur - never again
Reviewed Sahara Star - Vile Parle - Mumbai
Actually things had started going awry the moment I stepped outside the Airport, the courtesy transport for deluxe rooms was, well not there. No one showed upRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Rated on rvveer's review
Followed sofieblackwell
Commented on kbakshi454's review
Its is True that the Vatican is extremely secretive, as RDC pointed out Anti-Matter, is not Nuclear in nature and certainly not Meta Physics either.. And Nor is it the first novel by Dan Brown, it is a prequel to DaVinci Code....
Rated on Venchasa's review
Commented on silent124's review
You seem to be Mostly on point ... Being in China is like watching the modern industrial revolution in Hyperspeed, I came here for short term business visit and a year later am still here and settling down in Shanghai.
Rated on silent124's review
Commented on tc_lira's review
Pearl tower is taller than Petronas, but its only a TV tower while Petronas is a building, Jin Mao tower which is a whisker short of Petronas stand's next to Pearl TV tower... And Shanghai has no Pagoda's, Pagoda's are in Japan not in China...
Rated on tc_lira's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
I'm quite surprised that you found Shanghai of cities dirty, Amongst all the major cities in Asia, except perhaps Singapore, Shanghai is one of the cleanest and swankiest, these guided tours dont show the real picture...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on aslinaqli's review
Commented on No.1KkuSuMFaN's review
Just some pointers.... Non-all white meat nuggets.. is processed chicken filler, its all th eother parts of the chicken and mixed with soy base filler.. The fries are only 30% potatoes...the rest is also soy protiem base filler.... its been ages since I whalloped a micky'd's burger, but sur Read More...
Rated on pixelwire's review
Rated on joebroni's review
Rated on goldbergvariations's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
Rated on lora's review
Rated on iyernarayan's review
Commented on vaigai's review
comprehensive review..... I am amazed with this herding mentality that people fall into every now and then.... without seeing the movie they have there judgments set in stone.... go figure I liked the way you put your thoughts through.. keep them coming
Rated on vaigai's review
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Md Shahid Alam (@ShahidIbrahimMouthShut Verified Member)
Muhammad Saffi Ullah (@chsaffi18MouthShut Verified Member)
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Talking Bouy (@talkingbouyMouthShut Verified Member)
Ali Ahmed (@moibm223MouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
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Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
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Captainplayer44 (@captainplayer827MouthShut Verified Member)
Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 4