I tried this as my brother and his girlfriend (at the time) recommend it for strech marks. I was pregs with my first. I used it every morning and night my whole pregs and for about 3 months after.. I finally stop because my strech marks were there still and my skin was itching as I have excema. I totally dont think this is the way to go. I personally didnt see any difference in my skin except it got worse.
I personally now use something that my strech marks (now after 3 kids) are going away and my skin loves. I have used a lot of stuff for strech marks and my excema and this was in a group for poor products for me.You can try it as I see a lot of people liked it.. Maybe my excema may it worse for me. I dont know how it works for strech marks.. or if it has for one. My bros x-girlfriend said it worked for hers.. not mine though. It also left me feeling greasy and I would have to wait to touch or put anything on.. Not something I have time for..Contact me if you want to know what I use now.