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Member Since:Jan 21, 2007
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Reviewed Chick - fil - A
We dont do a lot of fast food but when we do it is usually Chick-fil-A... I am hoping that they open one closer to us as we moved and now have to drive Read more...
Love it
Reviewed Dish TV
We got DishTV after my parents got it and liked it. We use to go over and watch theirs and they had all these shows saved to watch. Well we looked into it andRead more...
Didn't do anything..
Reviewed Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Lotion
I tried this as my brother and his girlfriend (at the time) recommend it for strech marks. I was pregs with my first. I used it every morning and night my whoRead more...
Use to love it!!!
Reviewed Aussie 3 minute Miracle Conditioner
I still really like it but I found something better for me. I love Aussies stuff and the 3 minute mircles is just like its name a mircle.. I have very dry, loRead more...
Love it..
Reviewed Arbonne Cleansing Gel
I have used this since I was little and I love it. I have excema and I am allergic to bars of soap.. I sneeze everytime I go down the soap isle at the store..Read more...
Reviewed Arbonne Daily Self-Adjusting Shampoo
Ok I have only used it for about 6-8 months. I use to tell my mom and now upline that I didnt want to try it as I liked what I was using.. Oh my at firsRead more...
2ys and still love it..
Reviewed Arbonne NutriMinC RE9
I am only 23 and I have used Arbonnes products for 16 yrs. I have been using the NutriMinC for 2 yrs after my mom (and now upline she has been with them 17 yrRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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