Have you heard the song Your Beautiful by James Blunt? Wow what a feeling ther song compramises of many things Love, heartache, beauty women, etc. The song is about a person (blunt) who coincidently meets an unknown girl on the sub way . Here we can presujme that it is love at first sight , because he instantly takes a liking to this girl, but at the same time she is with a man so he is sad, but she meets eye to eye with Blunt and they have a moment BLUNT says that the moment was forever here we can presume that they are in love AT FIRST SIGHT.
This happens all the time when u go to a mall, fast food place cricket practise u always see girls and you fall in love but it is just that moment as if god never meant us to be. ^This ommen siyuation met with me a lot of times espeially last year After all it happens to every one think THINK about the last time did not you feel sort of funny,
Any way back to the song james blunt in tyhe song could not tell his feeling s to the girl, but he says that he wont lose no sleep on that cleary stating that hes got a plan and that is to sing about the girl
This is a fine bit of literature man your heart feels to this song a brilliasnt effort by JAMES BLUNT. to all the people who met with love at first sight.!!>