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Member Since:Feb 08, 2006
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Don't know I never talked to him . Researching on UFO's. Reading books playing pool, Cricket,
About Me
Education: Royal College colombo7
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Reviewed Picture of Dorian Gray, The - Oscar Wilde
So I read Dorian gray. Why do People not know of him, the legendary character who makes a deal with the devil to sustain his good looks and immortality?? is Read more...
SL cricket team ODI rank number 7. disgraceful.
Reviewed Sri Lanka Cricket Team
As of today the 3rd of october 2009, the sl cricket team is ranked number seventh in the ODI listings a few points clear of the world minnows Bangladesh and tRead more...
W 550i is not what meets the eye...
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W 550i
Thisphone launched by sony ericcson has got style and I wont deny it! it has a unique opening system which is cool at times. often refered to as the helicopteRead more...
Your Beautiful
Reviewed Coldplay - James Blunt
Have you heard the song Your Beautiful by James Blunt? Wow what a feeling ther song compramises of many things Love, heartache, beauty women,etc. The song is Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on Chimera's review
Yup, best piece of literature i've read upto now!! but do not forget, it is not only lord henry who debauches Dorian, Remember the yellow book which was presented to him?? its most likely a book called ' against the grain'. for you info :)
Commented on own review
thanks for the comment, and trust me the book only gets better :)
Commented on praveenadapraveena's review
he hee and i thought my Saturday was going to be a waste!!! Thank you!! :)
Rated on praveenadapraveena's review
thank you praveenadapraveena!! yes actually im in love with three wise men and no bravery too....
Followed praveenadapraveena
Rated on ronnie.w's review
Rated on CrazyUday's review
Followed CrazyUday
Commented on vivek_krishna's review
actually the whole umbilical cord thing mudering the other twin is possible...very rare but it can happen! but agreed, not the best horror movie. Watch shutter for a spine chilling experience!
Followed jasmine
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