I have not much clue of how all the songs are. I just got a hint of this albums existence while browsing through the TV channels.
The only thing that remained in my mind was IIM-A and its famous "Replica of Harvard" red walls and arched windows shown in that video. And, of course, a "Long haired boy" with shades on. Next morning, I just had to search for this singer by typing a simple phrase on Google - IIM A+ singer+ college days+ student. I found it like. in 1/2 a second.
I just want to say. HATS OFF to the marketers of this CD/Cassette to exploit the biggest Brand name in the country to launch this "GAS".
I’m totally convinced that they have been successful in the pursuit of cutting the clutter and making their way to the “Top of Mind Awareness” by printing the three golden blessed letters “IIM” on the album’s cover.
Since I’m one of the CAT losers and a mad fan of IIM would like to put this entire debacle in a simple equation:-
Singer+ College Songs= out dated formula+ Losses
Now Multiply both sides of this equation by IIM
=> IIM(Singer+ College Songs)= IIM(out dated formula+ Losses)
=> IIM Singer+ IIM College Songs= IIM(out dated formula)+ IIM(Losses)
Now, anything multiplied by IIM is SUPERHIT - { by the LAW of better education & jobs.}
=> 2 SUPERHIT= 2 SUPERHIT(In this case, Not SUPERHIT but Double SUPERHIT)
Hence, I would like to safely assure the singer, producers, and manufacturers of this album that they will at least be able to recover their cost.
Im sure all the "IIM - wanna bes" from all the Hindu, Hansraj, Xavier’s, Stephan’s, DCE’s and NSIT’s of our country will buy their very own copy of this album dreaming that they will make it to IIM-A one day to do something like this.
Its not the singer or his songs that people are buying it’s the IIM – Singer and his IIM songs that are making people sacrifice an evening in Café’ CoffeeDay / Barista and pay Rs.125 for this cassette.
If respect is measured in the units of Hearts per person, I just lost 1 Heart out of my 1000 Hearts respect for IIM-A to allow such cheap advertisement and also letting those videos to be shot in their Campus.
*Till now, only CAT forms were sold from these famous Campuses but now the Ad – copy might read - - - Cassettes and CDs available at IIM near you.
Harsha Bhogle never used IIM-A to become a cricket Analyst and commentator. Palash Sen never used his Doctors degree to make Euphoria a decent brand. What advantage does this fellow(Gaurav) has over them to sayOh! listen to my songs because Im from IIM-A.
It is his mere short-cut technique in which IIM is knowingly or unknowingly contributing.
Just Imagine if that school says join us because it was our school that was shown in the video ofAnother Brick on the Wall - PF. Isnt that so ironical and irrelevant?
Then how come -Oh! listen to my songs because Im from IIM-A. sounds fine?
IIM-A, that doesn’t always participate in raking activities of Business Magazines because of either they are fake or whatever reasons, should atleast never participate in Music Videoes. tomorrow some film director might come and pay for shooting one of his movie’s item number there in that beautiful red walled campus.
In this situation, it is not Gaurav or IIM or his songs that irritate me. It is the weird combination of all these where I see a Big Red Flag popping-up in my head.