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Member Since:Oct 30, 2007
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Reviewed Cash
Utter Bakwaas, even when copied. I wish my money back. Tanushree? Sophie(that MTV - VJ)? Dont they understand that Indian audience has grown up? we hRead more...
With all such Gadgets, Missions are Possible !
Reviewed Mission: Impossible III
My mind is completely blank. I could even imagine what they showed in War of worlds and Minority report. But I just go numb when I see the gadgets in our blesRead more...
Its good enough to be called a decent place
Reviewed Roomali With A View - Indiranagar - Bangalore
I’ve eaten there all alone; a couple of times with my dinner dates, with my friends and family, and once even with my bosses.The place is just right for enjoyRead more...
College Days by Gaurav --- CDs available at IIM-A
Reviewed College Days - Gaurav
I have not much clue of how all the songs are. I just got a hint of this albums existence while browsing through the TV channels. The only thing that rRead more...
Rabbi Shergill - BINGO
Reviewed Bulla Ki Jaana Main Kaun - Rabbi
Addictive intoxication like that French kiss with your college sweetheart. It’s always the same without change yet you Keep taking it again an again. You don’Read more...
While buying a Used Car...
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
First of all, why should you buy a Used Car or a Second Hand Car? 1) any day cheaper than a new one, 2) easy to get rid of, because of low investments. 3) Read more...
M.G. Road...Mayo Hall...Bangalore Central...
Reviewed Tips on Traveling in Autorickshaws
Im already pissed off to repeat it. "M.G. Road. Mayo Hall. Bangalore Central Pagkdalle". And guess what I get in return another cold blank look asking mRead more...
Miller's 46
Reviewed Miller's 46 - Vasanth Nagar - Bangalore
A huge lower lip covering the upper lip with an even huger chin. Eyes pressed down by the heavy forehead. Stubble. And to top it all, of course, the Cowboy HaRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on lokeshsuri's review
Rated on Fusion.kamal's review
Followed nidhi1
Rated on murukesh's review
Rated on shreysr's review
Commented on priyankav's review
hey... :) too good... thanks for sharing such an experience. I mean the money spent there deserves that kind of respect. nice write up. Mohit
Rated on MayuriSharrma's review
Commented on MayuriSharrma's review
Hey, nice review. I visited the Bangalore Branch. I found it decent, rather Good. Even for a Special evening. The crowd was good and that's b'cos the prices are fairly on higher side. :) Mohit
Rated on purujit's review
Rated on Parnil's review
Commented on own review
does not understand the point of the review...seems extremely against common sense...i give ansh 4 u a rating of minus one for missing out on the chapter that speaks of USP...figure out what the U stands for and then you'll know why it's completely fake to borrow IIM's brand to sell your music!
Rated on rohitthebest's review
And, Ansh, you sound to be one of those who aspire to be in IIM's to rather play Guitar than study stock markets and retail industry and 360^ job appraisal fundas and etc. etc... I mean this is what IIM's are for. IIMs are not there for using them as launching pads for naive singers. No Ansh... M Read More...
Commented on Arjun.Vasudevan's review
hi arjun, ur review made me give a second thought about my public speaking skills... i'm not afraid but surely get a lil too fast in my speech and sometimes eat up words... i 'll try out this book. cheers! ;)
Rated on Arjun.Vasudevan's review
Commented on floral_crystal's review
Hi Flora, Your write up is nice but believe me, this album is not. The songs are pathetic. Not innovative or anything even near... popular because of bloody IIM IIM IIM... he thinks we are all fools...
Rated on floral_crystal's review
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