There it was. Norah Jones- Come Away With Me. It was a risk- a young new artist that debuts without Hollywood calling her the next J-Lo, but is acclaimed by many critiques- but it proved to be worth it.
A debut artist thats quite young, but her talent is up there with Billie Holiday (pre-addict), Lucinda Williams (folk-country and damn good at it), and Diana Krall (one of the best things to happen to jazz). Looking for something to relax to, well Miss Joness CD is better than anything illegal or adults only. Her jazz debut is in a word- perfect. I was expecting some Britney pop crap and boy was I glad to be wrong this time. The CD shows the versatility of Jones with some jazz selections, a very appreciative Hank Williams piece, and even better some penned by Miss Jones (wooo- I am for real) herself. Her vocal abilities are amazing as she experiences the lyrics for you (think Didos Hunter and any U2 song). Her voice is weathered but innocent, knowledgable of the worlds shortcomings but still optimistic; one that belongs to a stranger that feels like your best friend. I know Im gushing, but thats how much I love this album. As with the talented Diana Krall, not only does Miss Jones have the voice, but she also is an incredible pianist. Tired of hearing one good song by the other singer/pianist of the last 10 minutes Alicia Keyes, dont despair.
Come Away With Me introduces song after song that are all unique, relaxing, and thought provoking with the accompaniment of talented musicians and producers that made something perfect even more special. Reject the redundency of boy bands and surgically altered pop divas... Experience what true musical bliss feels like with Come Away With Me by the effervescent Norah Jones.