If you want to enjoy the most beautiful hill station and smell coffee & spices you must visit Coorg. We went to a home stay after looking at the website but it was a place with full of surprises! So be cautious when you book a home stay. We had extremely disappointing experience at the home stay named BEE HIVE at Ammathi(Coorg). The only good thing I can tell about this place is it’s easy to locate. But otherwise it’s a pathetic place to visit. In fact we planned our stay for 3nights & 4days but we ended up vacating after 1st night itself.
About the place it is just on the main road which connects Ammathi & Virajpet so be ready to enjoy all the noise that you do being in a noisy & busy city. The cottage is just next to the road may be 10 meters away even the backyard is open and any one going across will stare at you!
The rooms were reasonably okay but what make it worse is the host of Bee Hive and the people who works there! They would keep an eye on you every second(Absolutely NO PRIVACY). The host(owner) stays just 20 meters away from the cottage and he would come inside the cottage(spying) without even asking the guest and start chatting even though you might not like him to come and see you every minutes especially when you go with family. We went with the family(4 adults) & 2 kids(<10yrs) and during the reservation we were told about many facilities but that were another disappointment and in reality other than the rooms they have absolutely no other facilities at all except a Dog & a Cat. Of course our kids enjoyed with the pet but later they too stated getting bored. But the website(homestaykodagu.com) says this:“Other facilities provided: Bird watching,
Fishing, Cycling, Badminton Game(Shuttle), Carrom, Cards, Taxi facility 3 bed Rood – 12 groups” - In reality nothing at all.
At lease we never got any of this facility despite even asking for it. Fishing – There is only a small little dirty pound(used for water harvesting) with no access to it surroundings are full of bushes and inside the pond only black poles or frogs! Trekking - No place to trek around other than the main road and you may have to risk yourself coming on the road where all types of vehicles pass by. Bonfire – They just have a place but they have no idea how to use them. In fact it wasn’t used for long and we ended up doing everything to start the bonfire(we won’t mind it was fun though). Since there wasn’t anything to do in the surroundings we decided for a BBQ and they made us run around places to find the stuffs! Booking** – We were told to do the bank transfer we initiated the transfer and for some reason it didn’t go through. When we found the transaction failed we informed them and to our surprise we were told to recharge the Bee Hive owner’s cell phone! This was utter crap because we were supposed to visit just the next day and we said we could pay you upon our visit and the reservation is confirmed. Despite that they didn’t believe. If we had any other intensions we could have kept quite and simply visited. We did everything we could to meet their expectations but they did nothing than taking money out from us.
Upon arrival we were suppose to visit the ATM and asked them about the nearest ATM and believe it or not owner came along till the ATM to collect the money as if we were running out! We ended up paying the entire money for 3n 4d accommodation but we vacated next day morning. They even charged for bonfire, coffee, tea and sweets which were not requested by us! Food: We had one dinner and breakfast and it was just an average food with a fortune price. Watch out for rotten curd & butter! Rooms – There are three rooms when we did our bookings we were told the entire cottage will be with you. But to our surprise after visiting we were asked for extra money if we wanted our kids to sleep in the third room!
Even though during the booking they mentioned we won’t charge for kids! The worse part, there was a common toilet and we used that to wash hands etc after eating but next day we saw there was a lock put! We were shocked when did this happened and why? The only option left is to go to the attached toilet every time you require to wash your hand. In fact they locked the third room too! Room Service: Next morning we were told to keep the door open for room service. And to your surprise the boys would come and knock the door at 6AM when you really don’t want anyone to disturb. But you have no choice.
And later you will be asked to bag all your stuffs and lock them into one wardrobe so that boys can clean the house. What non-sense when you can’t trust your own people! Overall, it was a very bad & miserable hospitality which we couldn’t bear for more than a day! So think twice before visiting Bee Hive!You have few better cottages just 1-2 km away on the same road with a pretty decent accommodation and hospitality. Good Luck.