Having watched and been disappointed with `Krissh (box office figures notwithstanding, I thought the emotional quotient of KMG was clearly missing), I was not tookeen towatch`Corporate when the teasers went on air. Ok, `Page 3 was good, but `good, period !! Nothing exceptional (`Black, anyone?). Watching `Corporate was certainly not on my immediate priority. But being the film buff that I am, come Sunday, and I sauntered into Inox, Baroda to catch the morning show (thanks for the reduced rates, Inox - you are indeed doing a great service to middle-class India !!).
The introductory sequeces are straight of our any corporate marketing strategy meetings. The language, the emotions, the despair and exult are straight from real life. Madhur, in one of his recent interviews have mentioned that the language used in the movie are replicas of real life conversations - I complete agree (is that whywe see Mr. Sunil Alaghs name in the initial credits !?!) Anyhow, the first half introduces various characters (details in the performance section) around whom the story would revolve, culminating in one of the most dare devil espionage of confidential information (thanks to the un-controllable libido of a VP and the sheer lure of money of a call girl). In fact, this is the high point of the first half and as I moved towards the pop-corn counter, I had this nagging feeling that the second half would be even better.
Post Inverval
Post interval, the story takes a dramatic turn with events happening at a breakneck speed. This is the period when it seems you are watching a thriller... a taut and gripping thriller !! The highly careerist top boss , the competitor, the greedy politician (state, in power), the greedy politician (centre, in power, rival camp), the loser and above all the protagonist, are all involved in a dog-eat-dog battle where ethics are thrown out of the window, where the only thing that matters is `bottomline. It all culminates in the protagonists (and your) realization that you can work with zest and zeal for your organization butshould never take emotional decisions. Alas, she relaizes this a bit too late !!
Performances (In order of merit)
Rajat Kapur : Fabulous !! The best performance of the entire cast. As a scheming boss, whoseonly aim is `bottom-line, no matter what, Rajat Kapur blows life into the character to astonisinghly believable levels !! Havent we all seen a character like him in our corporate lives ? Kudos to him for a knockout performance. He should walk away with all the supporting actor awards next year !!
Bipasha Basu : First rate !! As a career-ist, she is exceptional. Her failed marraige, relationship with her bosss brother-in-law, hope of settling down one day... all seems so believable !! She breathes reality into the character ... her joys (when she gets to know that Kay Kay is back), her love (when she tells Kay Kay to take credit for the espionage), her helplessness (last scene in jail where she breaks down)have been beatifully performed. This is the Bipashas best performance till date and guys, this is the Bips we all want to watch, dont we ?
The politicians : Dunno their names, but the state politician, is humorous and ....again....believable.
The peons : Extremely funny .... watch the joke on public and private limited !!
Kay Kay Menon : Average. Im a huge fan of him (Deewar, Sarkar) and am hugely dissapointed, since, from a writing point of view, his character has not been developed at all. Except for the confrontation scene at the end, he has precious little to offer .... seemed like a alcoholic throughout the film. Though a few romantic scenes with Bipasha were watchable. However, strictly average.
Minissha Lamba and Samir Dattani : Why on earth were their characters introduced in the first place ?? Their romance does not extend beyond an offer for coffee. Maybe it has been chopped on the editing table !!
Now, for the technicals..
Soundtrack: Though not exceptional, they are well-placed and not a hindrance to the movement of the story !! Standout song, Lamha Lamha (sung by the Zee winners, I believe).. extremely hummable.
Background score : Good, carries the story forward and builds up the tempo .. especially post-interval section.
Cinematography : Good ! ..boardroom battles do not have much scope for camera-work, does it ?? However, the romantic interludes during Lamha Lamha have been beautifully picturized.
Narration : Superb !! ... Atul Kulkarni, as the sutradhar is fantastic and bring out the right emotions during the narration.
Direction : Last, but not the least, Corporate is Madhur at his best !! He makes it a habit of turning even a mundane subject into a thriller !! In fact, the post-interval portions are one of the best written scenes in recent times !!! Kudos to Madhur for a performance par excellence. Cant wait for Signal ...
Comments are welcome ....