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Member Since:Feb 15, 2005
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Education: be (production)
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An Awe-inspiring & Jaw-Dropping Experience !!
Reviewed Inception
Preface: I never read reviews before watching a movie. I strongly feel that by knowing any bit of the story kills the very essence of movie-watching. I am alsRead more...
Opportunity Missed !!
Reviewed Khuda Ke Liye
I know that I have to be politically correct; this being the first film to be released from Pakistan(which is a welcome move, though, I may add). I know that Read more...
Another feather in Madhur's Cap !!!
Reviewed Corporate
Having watched and been disappointed with `Krissh (box office figures notwithstanding, I thought the emotional quotient of KMG was clearly missing), I wRead more...
Poetry on celluloid
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
Have you ever sat transfixed in your seat long after a movie has finished ? Have you felt `blessed that you have all your senses ? Have you ever watchedRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Commented on fenil_seta's review
It just proves your limited knowledge of films. i am sure you'll rate Billu Barber with 5 starts !!
Commented on alk_ranjan's review
Good review... but i believe Phoonk is better than 3 stars ...
Commented on supersteel's review
Fantastic review !! Heath has been praised to the skies .... and truly deserves so......I guess !! Plan to watch it as soon as it releases..
Rated on supersteel's review
Rated on moviezombie's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
Good review mate ..... hopefully the movie releases in India !! Good that you mentioned that the appeal of such movies should not be restricted to Muslims only. A good movie ... is a good movie ... Period !!
Commented on sungirl's review
The movie looked very long and slow (even in the trailers !!!), but I had thoght of giving it a try .... however, after your review I'll skip that. Thanks for saving my 260 bucks !! Thought of watching it just for John, but all the reviews say that he look tired, disinterested and absolutely sha Read More...
Commented on nisha655's review
Watched the movie yesterday... all that I felt inside were beautifully portrayed in your review. Can't imagine such a complex film being so brilliantly executed by 2 actors whose combined experience is just 5 films !!! Kangana is just fabulous (no needless histrionics !), so is Shiney (gloriously un Read More...
Commented on premjit's review
Fabulous review... wish I had your sence of humour and grip on language .... Superb !!!
Followed nikamma1112
Commented on own review
dwivediakash : thanks for your comments. to each his own, i guess. i liked the movie a lot. _-_-_ : interesting name, thanks for comment.. good that you like my review. cast and performances were fabulous.
Rated on sk01's review
Commented on sk01's review
Terrible review .... having no knowledge of cinema is one thing .... but you have beaten your chest and told the whole wide world so .... I really doubt your sensitivity and sensibilities ..... Anyway, lets move on .....
Commented on abhi_luv_all's review
Great review... `Black' is really going place ...... cheers !!! Debraj
Rated on premjit's review
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