Most of the reviews compare these to low end headphones or the earphones that come with the music player. I thought it would be interesting to review these by comparing them to a high end balanced armature earphone like the E4c from shure( its sold as the Shure scl4 now).
WIth the EP-630 you get three sets of rubbers for the headphones, so you should be able to find a set the fits your ears comfortably.
I found that the "Medium" set were perfect, and I was able to use the EP-630s for several hours without my ears aching. Headphones like this do take a bit of getting used to though, since you feel a kind of pressure at first.
Sound quality from these little babies is superb. Whereas the Shure E4c provided Precise and Crystal clear sound while cutting out most of the background noise, the EP-630s produce a warm sound envelope whichi is not as precise( But then the E4c are Rs 17, 000+).
The bass is here in abundance but it is not Controlled where as the Shures have much less bass but are punchier( E4c being armature based they have a much quicker response) . The Mids on the shure are pure heaven and the highs though rolled off are very clear on the other hand the creatives have a veiled midrange and slight muffling of the higher frequencies as a result of emphasis on Bass.
Since using these earphones I’ve found that I have my iPod set to a far lower volume setting – the background noise is almost non existent, while the music feels like it’s being injected straight into my brain.
When I’m using these headphones with my laptop the results are first rate. But coupled with my iPod nano, it’s a match made in heaven.
As I mentioned earlier the EP-630s cost a lot less than the Shures. Where as the shures are clinically precise the EP-630s are pleasing to the ear despite their flaws. These creatives are good for hip hop, passable for rock and country but is a no-no for classical or jazz music.
The shures though are awesome for almost any music except may be hip hop because it does not have a lot of bass. So in toto these 2 head phones are a great combo for me creative for hiphop and the shures for the rest.
The Creative EP-630s are the best Value in-ear headphones that I’ve ever used. At just under Rs1200, they’re not the Best you can get, but if you’re looking for a good upgrade to the bundled headphones that came with your MP3 player, check these out insted of the unbranded Rs 200 to 400 crap.