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Member Since:Sep 16, 2009
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Comparison Of EP-630 With a High end Shure E4c.
Reviewed Creative EP 630
Most of the reviews compare these to low end headphones or the earphones that come with the music player. I thought it would be interesting to review these byRead more...
Amazing phone that is a little long in the tooth.
Reviewed Nokia N73
I am currently using the G1/HTC dream the first android phone but I have still kept the N73. Thats how good it is. When it was first released it was thRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on srikanthnt's review
Commented on oldmonkey's review
Excellent review. I wish more people here wrote such reviews. The reviewer introduced the product, buying and customer service experience and gave a nice and detailed explanation of his experience with the product. Most reviews on mouthshut are either rants or customer service stories. I hope Read More...
Rated on oldmonkey's review
Rated on rajivmisra's review
Rated on SajnaAravind's review
Rated on inshutsantanu's review
Commented on inshutsantanu's review
Centrino is a platform technology not a processor. The Centrino label is given when the laptop is an all intel product with core 2 duo processor, intel wireless 802.11 and intel chipset ( northbridge and southbridge). And about the battery life difference, the battery life indicator dynamically Read More...
Rated on apocryphalreviewer's review
Commented on afbraganza's review
I consider Bose as more of a lifestyle brand like Apple. Their products carry a brand image and are hep and the quality is’nt bad either but it is pretty expensive. And most of us want good sound but also want to show-off to our friends too dont we? Yes you can have better sound quality Read More...
Rated on afbraganza's review
Rated on pablobiswas's review
Rated on xxHey_Therexx's review
Commented on xxHey_Therexx's review
Good review and i think these are a good value in India at Rs 1000. I hope you dont mind if i add something. These sit on the outer edge of the ear canal. These are not really Canal earphones like the Shure's , Etymotic or UltimateEars so you dont really need to pull your ears and twist t Read More...
Rated on .wamritpalsingh007's review
Rated on deep_shail's review
Commented on deep_shail's review
I can barely understandable what he is saying. Very bad grammar and incoherent thought process.
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