Ndtv 24/7 is one of the most reliable news channels of our country. They maintain very good standard and show a lot of uniqueness in their programs. One of my Favorites is the Cricket Controversies program that comes every Sunday at 10.30 p.m. It is a cricket talk show, rather a discussion forum where different topics related to Cricket are analyzed.
The show has Mr. Navjoth Singh Sidhu former cricketer present Commentator and more importantly present Member of the Parliament. He is the expert who analyses the issues and answers the questions form the public. Then we have the charming NDTV’s Sonali who anchors the show. Each week a topic is taken and discussed in this show. They bring in experts every week who specializes in that particular topic to have their view on it. The public also will have their say on the topic during the penultimate periods of the show.
This show is slowly gaining its popularity. The main plus point of the show is the incredible rapport between Navjoth and Sonali. They both share a great screen presence. Sonali in particular has a good sense of humor. Navjoth Singh Sidhu is always is at his best. He stands affirm on his stand even if he is the only one fighting for the cause. His extraordinary skills of speaking are very much evident in this show. HE totally dominates everyone else in the show. His Sidhuissms are very popular among the public and brings him lots of applause from the public. He invariably gains the public support with the sheer talent of public speaking.
Sonali on the other hand is always as cool as a cucumber. She handles the show with great elegance and ease. In such shows it’s always very important to put the right anchor. The anchor plays a vital role of handling the pressure and has to make sure that none of the experts on the show get offended. On the same hand its important not to be biased and to give a very practical and truthful solution to the topic discussed. Sonali fits in aptly in the show. Her presence is a great advantage though speaker Sidhu overshadows her with his verbal skills. He becomes very much involved in the topic and very expressive in his body language. He literally pushes the others to succumb to his powers.
On the whole it is a very interesting show. Several critical topics have been discussed earlier with much care and with great success. Topics on Match fixing, over media attention, new coach syndrome, India-Pak clashes and the ashes, ICC panel, Match suspensions, alleged bowl actions were among those discussed. Added the experts who come in the show are invited in such a way that they are mostly informative and you gain a lot hearing them speak. The choice of these experts also seems very apt relating to the topic. Hence if you haven’t watched this show, then you got to surely watch it. All cricket lovers out there I strongly recommend this talk show to be watched by everyone.