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tamil nadu
Member Since:Jun 20, 2005
0 MS Points
I am a person who lives by my instincts. i hava a lot of faith in myself and my friends. I am pretty frank and a guy who live for the day and not so bothered about the past and the future. life is just once and you ought to make maximum use of it.. . movies are my passion. I love all kamal hassan movies. a great fan of mani ratnam too. Next thing to movies is cricket. I am an hardcore fan of sachin tendulkar. I love to spend time with my friends and hang out with them
About Me
Education: B.E.
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Good movie and Great Acting !!!
Reviewed Pattiyal
I was out of mouthshut for more than three months I guess, and now I come up with this review and hope to write a few more in the coming months and im pRead more...
Aaru - Big time disappointment
Reviewed Aaru
Generally I seldom regret for something I did, and the few times I so I curse myself for doing something like that. One such occasion happened yesterday nightRead more...
Ghajini- a worthy masala entertainer
Reviewed Ghajini - Tamil
Under great expectations Ghajini’ got released this week. With already two big budget movies ‘Chandramukhi’ and ‘Anniyan’ Read more...
Saurav - Indian teams biggest burden
Reviewed Should Saurav Ganguly Be Dropped from the Indian Cricket Team - Case for 'Yes'
The great drama that’s been happening in Indian cricket for the past two weeks or so has reached its climax. The Special meeting to be held tomorrow reviewingRead more...
Bollywood moving Ahead!!
Reviewed Changing Face of Cinegoer
The world is constantly shrinking day by day with the advent of latest technologies in the communication field. People are getting more informative and knowleRead more...
Villains - the real hero
Reviewed Five Best Negative Performances in Tamil Movies
Movies generally glorify the image of a hero. A Hero is found to come out successful with the fall of the villain. The strength and glory of a Heroic characteRead more...
Best Cameos - My Choices !!
Reviewed Ten best Cameos in Tamil Cinema
When I came across this topic in Mouthshut, it was for Hindi movies so thought it will be a good one to write it for Tamil movies too. There are certain charaRead more...
My personal favourites!!
Reviewed Five Best Climax Scenes in Tamil Cinema
I am writing a review literally after a month I guess. Somehow lost the interest of writing or probably was lazy enough to write one. This was a topic that I Read more...
Ashes 2005 - Test Cricket at its best!!
Reviewed Ashes 2005
The reason why cricket is so popular is of the fact that it is highly unpredictable. It is indeed a funny game where anything can happen. But for the past fivRead more...
A Clean Entertainer - Worth watching
Reviewed Ponniyin Selvan
‘Ponniyin Selvan’ is director Radha mohans second directorial venture after ‘Azhagiya theeye’. His first one was greatly welcomed. He Read more...
Indian's at thier best - LOSING
Reviewed Indian Oil Cup Tri-Series 2005
The Indian Oil Cup Tri-Series went as predicted. The Lankan lions went roaring all the way to beat India comprehensively in the finals. The Lankans are alwaysRead more...
My Best pick
Reviewed Ten Best Cameos in Bollywood Movies
No movie can be a success with just good acting by the lead pair. A movie has to have all the ingredients, which make it a treat to the viewers. Story, ScreenRead more...
The Best of SRK
Reviewed Five Best Movies of Shah Rukh Khan
Sharukh Khan has had a dream run in Bollywood cinema for literally about 10 years. He is pitted the safest bet for a Hit in the industry. He has fans all overRead more...
Watchable only once
Reviewed Priyasakhi - Tamil
After a long gap R.Madhavan returns to Tamil Cinema with K.S. Adiyamaans “Priyasakhi”. Madhavans last venture in Tamil was “Aethiree”,Read more...
Your thoughts decide your personality
Reviewed General Tips on Personal Grooming
The word web gives its definition for personality The complex of all the attributes- behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental – that characterize a unRead more...
The Best one's by the Little genius
Reviewed Five Best Innings of Sachin Tendulkar (One Day Matches)
Again at a time where I think of writing something on mouthshut, my mind ponders over various topics. I try to think over a few topics, which might need me toRead more...
Rain..Rain Go away !!!
Reviewed Mumbai Monsoon Disaster 2005
It’s been a year of natural disaster and train accidents for India. First it was the devastating tsunami, *which took the entire southern India by shock and sRead more...
Team India - way to go!!!
Reviewed Pitfalls in the Indian Cricket Team
As you all know a game like cricket is played and won only when the entire team member gel together as a very good cohesive unit. It’s a team Game. IndiRead more...
The Godfather - all its worth.
Reviewed Godfather
For the past two weeks are so, ive literally been mesmerized by ‘The Godfather”. First it was the book and now it’s the movie. No book made Read more...
The Terrific Ten
Reviewed Ten Best One Day Batsmen
One day International Cricket has seen some terrific players. I started watching cricket right from my childhood days. But understood the game and its nuancesRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
hey thanks a lot..yeah hope to write lots more this time.. nice movie ..you will really enjoy it. balaji
Commented on prassad_rs's review
Nicely written. Though im not a ganguly supporter..the ways you had written it was good. but all great occasions come to an end..every era has a begining and an ending..like wise..saurav dad's days are now countable in Indian cricket. Sadly this is the fact. In case if this is the end, then it would Read More...
hey Praveen i agree with you ..he doesnt have a great fan circle very true, he was trying to reach the masses with this film..and trying to make a mark asa mass hero too, but this movie wasnt the exact launchpad for him..the story, screenplay, editing all was very bad..and hence making his attempt a Read More...
hey..it was realy sad to see surya doing such movies..he should understand ..what the viewers expect from.. him..anyways thanks for your comments
Commented on dochu's review
hey hi you have nicely jotted down the mistakes...good work..keep writing..byee.. balaji
@suresh Hey thanks for your comments..i too liked their performances @karthik Hey very true..ive not been able to come out of the ASin syndrome fro the past two days..she was just awesome...thanks for your comments balaji
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
that was good review...guess we have expressed similar thoughts on the movie..asin was just awesome..keep writing..byee balaji
Rated on sureshmehcnit's review
hey the movie is not horrible..please.. Its definetly watchable..but on go with any expectations...you ll enjoy the movie...have fun..
Commented on svjayalakshmi's review
@vijayalakshmi Hey hi..no hard feeling..as you said i was just giving out my opinion..each of us have their own views..Simbhu has definetly has good cinmatic brain at such a young age, and is gutsy to try out new stuffs early in his carreer..he is one of the better prospects for the tamil industr Read More...
Commented on elkayein's review
I accept with you the fact that villian had overacted, but couold recollect the scens were simbhu had over acted. According to me, he is maturing as an actor as each movie goes by. He has givan agood performance here. The climax scene and the scene where he expresses hi love for gopika..are instance Read More...
Hey the review is nicely written. But dont accept a word of it. Its a decent movie not a great one. You seem to suggest simbhu has overacted mostly throughout the movie. But he hardly speaks or over acts in the movie. He would have given just expression using his eyes, which was a good effort fo Read More...
@sndaya hey very true..keeping my fingers crossed..hope the right decsion is made @arkhan hey thanks for the commetns really liked it..especially the sentence about bhajji... balaji
Rated on ashwins83's review
hey thanks for your somments..Accept with you ...chappell should be given time and im sure he will prove his worth..when you play for your country..you personaly interest should not be your priority..anytime any da.. balaji
hey yeah..very true..we need more thrillers comin out..ek hasina thi was grt. khakee was also very good. i like ankhen a lot..its one of my favourites...ab thak chappan was also..good..and thanks for your prompt RRC. balaji
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