Cricket must be the most boring game on this planet. I have never seen any game that can make you age faster as you watch it. not even basketball.
All that it is small thinggy of a ball that is thrashed around mercilessly and 11 grown men chasing it around the field. How interesting!!!! ya?
The commentary is boring in most (read as 90%) of all the matches telecasted on TV. It does not shed light on any aspect other than earrings and some nonsense that no one in the world could care less about.
I have tried hard to see what can interest someone about this game. ok, an India v/s Pakistan one day match is something but apart from that its not much better than watching a real wannabe arty farty movie on television. The pace is slow and when we had Ravi shastri it was hell. It seems so pointless that the whole Janata wait for the alst 10 overs to watch some excitement where some hotshot overrated batsman will come and thram the living daylights out of the ball. But if our man (the overrated over paid batsman) has had a bad day he may not be there atall.. then its a totally new ball game. We have extremely painful and boring 10 overs of a tailend moron trying to get in terms with gripping his bat properly and if he manages that he is too late to see the ball which gate crash his 3 wickets. How very very exciting.
What I hate most is the howzzat sir thinngy that people all over the cricketing world holler. Its nonsense. Its madness. Its plain stupid. If it was out then the umpire would have have said so, dont you think? unless ofcourse he has fallen asleep already.
The rules of the game are quite smart I think but thats about it. The 3rd umpire is also a good innovation into a dead sport.
One wonders if something can happen that will make this waste of time parading as a sport, interesting? what can we possibly do? give them colour uniform? that is already done and it hasnt done any wonders. Lets start a scandal.. oh thats taken and tried too huh! chal koi bath nahi.. how about corruption?? huh? yeah that will be good. but then the whole damn country is corrupt so what else is new?
So I guess there is nothing to save this game, and there certainly isnt anything that will save us from this game cause there are still 5 million complete idiots who think this game is amazing.
Then there is siddhu.
enuf said.