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Member Since:Dec 01, 2002
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Education: graduate
Review of the Day (1)
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Airtel broadband-great product,terrible experienc
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I used to have a local internet connection which was ok. Nothing great. Once a month it would drop dead and wud take a couple of days for the customer care toRead more...
The story so far...
Reviewed Motorbike Racing
Formula 1 racing has been my obsession for the last 10 yrs or so and I have enjoyed every bit of it. As the starsports coverage improves with each season, itsRead more...
Woe is me...
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J K Rowling
Seems to be the gist of Rowlings latest Harry Potter book. Having read the first four, and having been completely enthralled by it, book 5 came as quite a damRead more...
Poor mans Goa!!
Reviewed Kihim
I read a few MS reviews before embarking on this trip to Kihim on New years eve. I must say people on Ms can come up with some of the most imaginative text, pRead more...
Pig sty on wheels
Reviewed Local Trains
If there is anything in the world I hate more than Local trains in Bombay its the politicians in Gujrat. I have lived in bombay for the last 15 yrs and thougRead more...
Changing times
Reviewed Venus Williams
I would like to agree with the school of thought that tennis isnt as interesting as it used to be some years back but to blame it on one person as such is unfRead more...
Great getaway
Reviewed Bhimashankar
Are you one of those who hates the city and wished that your life in it was just a bad dream? Do you dream of spending time with nature without having to pay Read more...
Fun thing.
Reviewed The Guru
I am just back from watching the Guru and I must say I am thoroughly entertained. If its one of those NRI crop of films then its outdone itself. The screen pRead more...
The terrible 5
Reviewed Five Worst Actors of Bollywood Movies
Bollywood has few actors who can be called good. The rest are there to fill in the gaps and rake in the moolah. To select the worst 5 is a damn tough job, thRead more...
Be free...
Reviewed Rules of Self Developement
Rules of self development. hmmm. Do I dare write on this topic. There are people who will say that the right path to self development would involve so-and-so Read more...
Barf barf barf..
Reviewed Top Gun
This must surely be the most over rated film of all time after Star wars. Its the standard Tom Cruise fare... super stud with super capabilities, lady killerRead more...
Hmmm... good show
Reviewed Deewangee
I saw this film because the others in the complex were totally unappealing. I went in expecting the worst...But how wrong I was... The film is certainly fresRead more...
Crock of S***
Reviewed Cricket
Cricket must be the most boring game on this planet. I have never seen any game that can make you age faster as you watch it. not even basketball. All that iRead more...
Give me a break
Reviewed Unfaithful
This is a film that you should watch if you are not going to spend much time watching the film in the theatre and are going to be doing something more worthwhRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Thanks guys!! I had no idea about the ROD part as i was visiting the site after a real long time. Pleasantly surprised to see it. In anycase, the review is very genuine and when i wrote it, i was seriously considering taking those blokes to court for harrasment. Have moved on now with a local(mayb Read More...
Commented on Ortis25's review
Did they respond to this mail by you? I am intrigued. I have had similar experiences with Airtel, and just because they are huge corporates, they get away with anything. Or they think they do., I hope you win this legal battle. Keep us posted.
Commented on 878932159535m's review
I am with you 100%. They are bloody thieves.
Commented on mylife72's review
I can empathise with you. I have faced exactly the same experience but with airtel internet connection. While the service itself is fantastic, the customer care and the nodal officers are a bunch of morons who are clearly not doing their jobs. I am shifting my internet now to something else. I wan Read More...
Commented on hemantjoshi9's review
You are lucky hemanth. Of late almost any airtel service is a death wish. I hope u dont have any problems with your new purchase. But be careful with these guys.. they cheat you off money.
Commented on deb77's review
I am having a miserable time with my airtel internet connection. AIRTEL sucks big time. The staff is half a brain away from being monkeys and they are absolute cheats. I have lost over 3000 bucks to airtel over the last 4 months. I will never go back to them.
Commented on sankarar's review
Its an unfortunate experience that you have had. I am planning to go in for one of the Dth services. Reading this review gives me the shivers. I will have to think really hard about this now. Thank you for a honest and detailed review.
Commented on bodhisatva's review
lol.. you city slickers. Without a slight amount of danger.. where is the thrill in life? But i understand your sentiment. :-) have u done any other treks since then? Pls do write more. cheers
Rated on bodhisatva's review
Commented on neilc15's review
Dude. I am pretty certain you got lost and took the wrong route. I have done bhimashanker about 6 times.. and i dont know which rock this is you refer to. (it does sound like something u encounter on the sidi ghat not the ganesh ghat) We have identified 2 places where it can get tricky. One we cal Read More...
Commented on arvind_k's review
Hi Arvind. A comprehensive review indeed. And loved the fact that u used figures for comparisons and not some top of the hat words. Some concerns though. A diesel engine is a high compression, high stress engine. Fitting an aftermarket performance kit might have given u the necessary punch, but h Read More...
Commented on HemantSharma1977's review
The bit about the stereo system is bothering me. I was going to book a VDI tomorrow but if its wat u say, i might actually consider an LDI and get the stereo myself. Just curious.. wat do u mean by 'iffy'..?? I know that the steering does not adjust to speed which makes it a tad dangerous at high Read More...
Rated on HemantSharma1977's review
Commented on smita3010's review
Simply this.. u keep the car for more than 3 yrs, drive it about 30 km+ per day and you have a winner in the diesel. Like Gari mentioned, the diesels are actually getting a better resale value than the petrol now.. and the swift diesel is a car that has/can do no wrong in the minds of the indian con Read More...
Commented on rafik-ahmed's review
Brake testing at 100kmph... Way to go dude! Give them a taste of things to come. hehe.. But u could have been more specific in your review about the ride, the handling, how it takes bumps etc., Anyways.. been planning on this car.. so ur review has helped. Thanks!
Commented on hybk's review
A very honest review, evidently. In spite of the criticism you have leveled on this vehicle, i am inclined to believe you love it; truck like behavior notwithstanding. Which poses me to ask the next question. I am planning on buying a sierra. It will be my first car, so would you recommend it? c Read More...
Rated on tekuru's review
Commented on xano's review
The guktas might have saved u a lot of sightseeing in the jungles, but i still want to lynch those b#@%#ds who spew their filth over so beautiful a land. A Good passionate review. I share your experience. cheers
Didnt your parents tell you that you are good looking, intelligent and a winner in life. Well, its the same story. Its about time you get used to it.
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