Stephen King tells us a story about a typical american family. Mom and Dad, and the little kid, everything is nice, everything is happy.
But, just like in any family, theres more than what meets the eye. There are some problems in paradise.
But, lets leave this family on the side for a second... lets talk about another family, what youd call a redneck family, composed by a violent husband (a mechanic), a wife that cant take much more of him, and a little son, with his best friend, Cujo, the dog.
A business trip for the man of the happy family, will leave his wife and son home alone, with their wrecked car. This woman will take the car to the mechanic, and hell will be unleashed... because Cujo, the once friendly dog, is now sick, he is a rabid dog.
Death has a new name... Cujo. Care to meet him?