This modem is one the best, I have ever used. Trust Me you wont be dissapointed.
Windows (9x, Me, 2k) is able to detect this modem without any problems. Also Win Xp has no driver problems with this modem unlike the other modems which are not compatible with Win Xp.
All the people who said that the product is not good first check your telephone line. One person who wrote that he hears some funny noise through the modem, that is called as telephone line noise and it has nothing to do with the modem.
The people who have connectivity problems and bad download speeds should call the telephone company to solve it Dont blame the modem
Just change the Windows Registry settings to get the maximum performance from this modem.
THis modem also works with number of softwares out there on the net which make use of the voice facility in the modem.
Buy this and you wont regret it.