After yet another sleepless night due to my crappy Onida window AC, I decided I needed to replace it. I started looking for alternatives. I had purchased a Hitachi for my fathers room 2 years ago. I was very happy with it so was planning to buy that again.
The new Hitachi Summer TM was now 5 Star rated so I was happier since I was also concerned about my electricity bill. (My dads Hitachi was NOT 5 star rated - when I bought it). Then I saw an AD about Inverter ACs. I was disappointed to know that Inverter technology is only available on splits. I did not want a split for a simple reason. Window ACs - have an ambient noise that I like - since it dulls the horrible honking and traffic noise outside my room. So splits were really not what I was looking for.
However, I also wanted to reduce my electricity usage - so I was in a quandary.
Folks, I have been waiting for this sort of air conditioner my entire life. So far I have used ACs from Westinghouse, Voltas, Hitachi and National/Panasonic. My last was worst AC was an ONIDA. All of them have ONE major problem. When the compressor was ON - the air was so cold that after a few minutes one would have to adjust the grill. When the compressor was OFF it would throw un-cooled air which might often times is almost warm - given the Delhi summers.
So the entire night I would either cover myself with a blanket (when the compressor turned on) or remove it when the compressor turned off. The only way these ACs try to meet the set temperature is by keeping the compressor on for varying amounts of time.
In an INVERTER AC - the compressor is never really off. It just turns the compression factor down - so the air that comes out is neither too cold - nor too warm. In fact its just right - based upon the temperature you have set.
Ever since we got this AC installed in my room - my wife constantly comments that the air that comes out from this AC feels like dew soaked wind - during the monsoons.
So let me summarize for you why I choose this AC.
Why Inverter ?
I turn the AC on in my room by March and I use it all the way till October. So basically I use it a lot. This has direct cost implications- so I was looking for an AC that reduces my electricity cost. In any electric machine the peak load is when the machine starts. That is when it uses the maximum amount of current/power. My rotten ONIDA would start and shut the compressor at least 15 times in 1 hour (something was wrong with its temp. sensor). So each time the compressor started it would draw a lot of current - thereby increasing my units used.
In an Inverter based AC - the compressor never really turns off. I know that for most this may seem like it should consume more electricity. It is not so. The compressor is NOT running at full blast - the compression factor gets reduced based upon the temperature you have set it at. So it avoids frequent start/stops and this saves electricity.
Why Daikin?
To be honest I have never really known about Daikin. I was going for a Hitachi or General. Then someone whom I respect greatly mentioned Daikin. After more probing I realized it was a very strong player in Japan. Dont know why they dont seem to advertise more on TV in India.
My Price FTKD50 - Rs. 38, 000/- . I was initially keen to get the FTXS Hot and Cold. However the best price I got on that was Rs.55, 000. This was not in my budget. Then I looked at the FTXS 50/60. This used the a new coolant gas that was more environmentally friendly. This was going to cost me, Rs. 45, 000/-.
It was however out of stock.
So I looked for the FTKD which is identical to the FTXS except for the gas. It uses what is currently prevalent as a coolant, which is not very environment friendly. The installation charges were Rs. 1500/- plus another Rs. 3000/- for piping & stand.
I am not sure if other inverter ACs like Panasonic and Toshiba also have similar cooling characteristics. Logically they should -given they use the same concept. But I am very happy with my decision and have restful nights in my room - with the cool air (thats not too cold but just right) blowing directly on my face.