Since I am a Tamilian my commentary is in English & Tamil, some sentences cannot make great meaning in other languages, so Ive retained them as they are. This is ONLY my view, I am not looking for anyones acceptance NOR am I looking forward to read your opinioin on my opinion. Thank you.
I don’t know why Kamal did this movie in the first place. Its so sick, it drags him down in my scale of rating for his movies. To tell you the truth, just about 5 mins in to the movie, Kamal builds up such a hype that we may want to expect Everest bouncing at us as the movie progresses.
But as the movie does progress, we find that the tip of Everest actually fades from view and what we see is not even worth the dirt near our feet. 20 minutes in to the movie and I was aching to run out of the theatre, fly to India and grab Kamal by his collars and ask him to reimburse the $36 I’d spent on the movie tickets.
Almost all guys in our group enjoyed the movie to what it deserved, we were joking for each and every frame in the reels and we had fun, 1st day 1st show. If it hadn’t been a cold day in Melbourne, hadn’t I gone with my gumbalz and hadn’t it been the night show we were watching, I would gladly have left the theatre well before intermission and gone home, to watch some historical movie which portrayed Vadivel as hero, Vivek as villain and Asin as Hero’s Mom.
Ideally, this movie should be released to be broadcast in SunTV, and it should have been done before it hit the theatres with the statement "Thiraikku vandhu konde irukkum..puththam pudhiya muzhu neeLa nagaichchuvai masalakkal niraindha thiraippadam.."
Well, each viewer’s perspective definitely differs and does matter to the movie’s director, cast and the producer. We saw snaps of many stars, erstwhile stars, little stars congratulating or atleast holding Kamal’s hands and talking to him, did you believe everyone liked the movie, that’s for themselves to ponder. What do I expect when I go to watch a movie at the theatres? Good story line, certain logic, 95% truth+5% cinematization in case of biography, brilliant camera works (as required in the movie), good music + background music, good songs/memorable lyrics, violence/action as per the movie category, inter-twined comedy/humor/songs etc
In my perspective, this movie lacked in almost all the above areas. I could not remember one scene in which I could have appreciated the camera work. Why he wanted to drag and connect 2 real-life events Chola King+Tsunami to the meaningless jumble that happened in between, was unnecessary.. instead of the virus like thing, it could have instead been some serious crime which could have been occurring near the shorelines which God may have wanted to destroy by creating a Tsunami and thus exposing the Vishnu statue to the World..
What Kamal has done is purely for his personal satisfaction. Sivaji Ganesan has acted in 9 different roles in an old movie, Navarathiri, you can make out 9 different individuals separated mainly by their characteristics, behaviour and such attributes, much lesser due to make-up. Kamal simply wanted to beat this record and created a story for himself out of nowhere and created or rather sneaked in 10 different roles for himself. He should have remained contented with Apoorva Saghodharargal or Michael Madhana Kaama Rajan and not attempted such a mammoth task with a weak story line that had no linking sequence and lacked total logic. The visual fx, songs and other attributes also did not complement the movie.
Ideally Kamal should have titled this as “Sadhai-avadhaaram”, because the 10 different Kamals did not have a great difference than rolls/wads of skin over their eyes, cheeks, chins, necks, shoulders and probably dix too, to differentiate them from each other. The make-up was the only thing that helped us differentiate between the flabs of skin rolling around in the movie. He could have achieved better by using the technology available in plenty. He could have made 100s of Kamals, as could have been observed in the ‘n” numbers of characters appearing to fight Keanu Reeves in one of the Matrix movies.
(CONTD) SInce, MS doesnt allow more than 1 block review, Im adding further texts of my review in comments..