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Member Since:Jun 05, 2006
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I'm unique just like everyone else ;~). Depends..
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PART I - Epic Story of 10 Saggy Skin Bags
Reviewed Dasavatharam
Since I am a Tamilian my commentary is in English & Tamil, some sentences cannot make great meaning in other languages, so Ive retained them as they areRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on RajniRasigan's review
unga review padichchaen, enna dhaan solla vareenga? I don't favor any of the actors, but ur review is useless and only adds to the bad hype that already the movie was enjoying.. may be u chose the opportunity to comment on this film to draw ppl's attention to Thalaivar.. whatever it may be, I'm able Read More...
Rated on PoliSamiyar's review
Commented on PoliSamiyar's review
Hi Buddy, I perfectly respect ur views.. they are yours. I'd mentioned I do not require your feedback on my review, yet thanks for your courtesy in responding in my review. One point I liked in your review, core Kamal fans have been let down, but unfortunately I or any one else in my crowd couldn't Read More...
Followed anandrkashyab
Rated on joeisfrank's review
Rated on RajniRasigan's review
idhellaam oru review-nu ezhudhraanga baa.. Enna koduma Saravana Idhu?
Rated on ven7782's review
Commented on own review
Again the so-called Hindus have kept quiet and have chosen to accept / shrug it off and move on. Gradually, TamBrams will have to move out of TN, if this trend continues and seek shelter across other states. And Kamal has done no better than the person mentioned above, he has re-kindled an area that Read More...
By far, from the ancient times till date, Hinduism has been passive to other religions encroaching on it and on its followers. There have been radicals/extremists, but they were very very few compared to the passive ones, who were willing to share and sacrifice and sustain the Hindu philosophy than Read More...
I am scared just by one thing, that this movie will really be a BIG HIT, because of the numerous negative comments floating by. People may flock to the theatres and buy DVDs to watch and comment on the movie with knowledge, in order not to feel left-out in the loops of conversations going around. So Read More...
We do not expect all movies to be passive towards religious beliefs or handle with care the fragile customs and beliefs of certain religions, but when you choose to do so you have to handle them delicately and ensure you do not hurt the sentiments. Doesn't mean that if the God's statue was handled l Read More...
A friend mentioned: In fact, there were some Hindu groups, which raised a hue and cry after seeing the trailer of the movie. They tried stalling the release of the movie saying that a few scenes in the movie hurt the Hindu sentiments deeply. But what happened to them after the release? No noise nor Read More...
The camera / multimedia / graphic effects in the movie fell apart at the seams.. it was as if I’d tried to fit couple of images over each other in Paint brush.. Guys, please look up to Hollywood or at least follow their path.. hey.. not that way, you are going to the past..yeah, this way.. can someo Read More...
About Napolean playing some Chola king’s role, I was appalled by the quality of his Thamizh.. he might as well have spoken in Chennai Tamil or Madras Baashai. His pronunciation of words like “Sootshumam” “Laktshiyam” were embarrassing, he was ra-p-ing Tamil by using the words as “soochumam” and “lac Read More...
Bush, semma style, just like Super Star getting up from the swing/chair in Padaiyappa, good but dumb as usual. Bush edhukku India-ku varraaru, no reason why he should visit India and have a presentation with Mu Ka and Manmohan Singh, makkal-a indha maadhiri edhukku-nu thalai mudi-ya pudungittu yosik Read More...
The language used by Chris (Fu*ker) sorry (Fl)etchai sorry Chris Fletcher, the ex-CIA thug was harder for me to comprehend than that of the old Americans/ Australians that I get to meet in my projects here. May be he was speaking in short-hand, I have not learnt that. Mallika Sherawat, Asin, Jayap Read More...
The characters that stood out or which I liked were, Balaram Naidu and Vincent Poovaragan. Balaram Naidu, however kept reminding me of the “Chinna kallu, bedtha laabam – bedtha kallu, chinna laabam” character in Panchathanthiram movie, nevertheless it was well done. These 2 characters in 10avatar mo Read More...
Rated on bond_4248's review
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)