Much has been said about the movie so, this is probably the smallest review!
Story........ How Kamal (Govind) tries to save the world from another Kamal (Fletcher) with the help of all other Kamals and Asin. We have to imagine (since it has not been portrayed properly) that it was all because of Kamal in 12th century. Finally Tsunami comes and we can continue the debate of whether it was for the good or bad.
Good Points........ Kamals performance (though 10 roles were not required and he did not have to play all of them himself, to his credit it is not easy to play 10 characters in 10 different masks with different body language and voice modulation). Fairly good time pass disaster entertainer
Bad Points....... Overdoes of Kamal, Makeup was average for a few roles, Graphics was at par with B-grade movies, Too much unwanted hype and gimmicks.
I cant help but compare with MMKR, a simple movie that was well written and enacted with 4 roles and no great technology involved. Dasa fails to better that.
Result: A chaotic movie with story as thin as a butterfly.. nevertheless it was entertaining and worth a watch for the efforts of one man.. Kamal.
Readers: Please dont start advising and telling sermons on Chaos theory or pattampuchi effect. Most of you did not know about it till a few weeks back and there are movies that have shown those theories in a much better way.