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Member Since:Jun 27, 2008
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A cool person with pleasent personality. Everything under sun.
About Me
Food and Drinks: Vegetarian food, Spicy food and Pinot NoirMovie Stars: Amitabh, Kamal, Rajni
Food and Drinks: Vegetarian food, Spicy food and Pinot Noir
Movie Stars: Amitabh, Kamal, Rajni
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Reviewed Dasavatharam
Much has been said about the movie so, this is probably the smallest review! Story........ How Kamal (Govind) tries to save the world from another Kamal (FleRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on manian22's review
Commented on manian22's review
Hmm.. frustrated guy huh? I agree that the movie was not anywhere near Kamal's moving performances in the past but it was paisa vasool! Regd your review...i was not able to follow it... too verbose and looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg. :(
Rated on akshaysuri_jbp's review
Commented on akshaysuri_jbp's review
bakwas review! write your opinion rather than marketing someone else.
Rated on aravindhreturns's review
Commented on aravindhreturns's review
First of all you have not written any review. Then, you have rated the movie 5 *'s and posted the news items that show how big of a flop it is. Not sure what you intended.
Rated on wanderjogi's review
Commented on wanderjogi's review
'first rate entertainer-to be watched with family' - with the cheap comedy of vadivelu and almost naked nayanthara i wonder which 'family' would watch this third rate movie. It is a case of a wonderful movie spoiled completely by p vasu for rajnikanth.
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Good review.. The fact that it took 5 days after the movie release to get the first review in mouthshut tells how bad it is. But, I think you have over rated the movie.. 1 or max 2 stars is itself generous and that too only because of some acting by Rajini and Pasupathi.
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Commented on kannan87's review
Nice review.. Couple of mistakes in your review: - 1. The budget was reported as Rs 60 Cr and not 120 2. The run time of the movie is 175 minutes and not 210 Suggestion: You have attempted to use works like 'Abjure', 'Garrolous' etc. which look out of place and difficult to decipher for an Read More...
Rated on kannan87's review
Commented on ven7782's review
and read my review too! I would suggest that you add more details and balance out your review. I'll be happy to change my rating. Your other reviews were better than this one.
Hey.. give some credit where it is due. I know it is not a mind blowing movie but it was definitely the first 'Saving the world' kind of movie in Tamil. It was good time-pass. What else you expect from a summer flick? It is debatable whether the 10 roles were needed or not. But, the point is .. Kama Read More...
Rated on ven7782's review
Rated on thinctanc's review
Commented on thinctanc's review
Ur 1st review? Welcome! I agree on your points 3, 5 and 6. I think point 2, 4 and 10 are totally wrong! and 1, 7, 8, 9 are not points at all. you had to add those 4 points just to get to 10 like kamal played some unwanted avatars to get 10. I thought it was a decent timepass fare with not Read More...
Commented on giridhar81's review
To a fanatic.. with love, 'sari aduvum oru alayam daan vidunga' -> Means 'Ok. That is also a room.. leave it'. I am sorry that your faith is so weak and you are so insecure that an actor or a movie can shake it so easily and make you react. Kamal is an atheist and he will continue to mak Read More...
Giridhar sir, I guess you are referring to my comment. First.. Aalayam is not a tamil word.. period! it may have been adapted in tamil but i dont know about that. the word 'Shouchalayam' is not tamil. once again get your facts right. I am not a die hard fan of Kamal.. go and read my review of dasava Read More...
Commented on Sujyothi's review
Late comment for an old review but came acorss this today only. Very short review. U liked the songs so much is it? It was not my cup of tea cud not last more than 30 seconds.
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