Review: Dear mouth shut readers,
Bet on it
Diabetes is deadly Slow
but steadily it eats into you
It stealthily walks into you
Within you it anchors Into your system first
When you ignore the anchor snaps
It starts sailing happily within your sea of blood
It settles in kidney, makes it deadly sweet
It settle sin eyes, makes it blood red
It makes your flesh numb, and turns it into wood
Senseless piece of wood that chips
At the slightest contact with anything
A small temptation of that small piece of flesh
That piece makes you talk and rule the world
The tongue, your life, your tool
To make your own world with words
Make you, at times, eat a piece of sweet
And ala s the temptation is worse than the first temptaion
The temptaion that made the first fall of man
The great fall, of Adam and Eve
Resist the temptation to eat sweet
Instead sweat it out for a sweet life
Learn to live with sweat and without sweet
Die you will, bet, if you say yes to sweet
Life is precious, only if you are healthy
Play the chess of your life
Checkmate the pawns and rooks
You can be the queen and the king
I f you regularly check your sugarlevel
Or else you will be fighting a losing the war
Die not with diabetes, live with diabetes
Save your fingers, save your eyes, save your feet
Life is worth living, for it is very colourful
You can, you will, and you must
Wish all the members a haealthy life
rama bharatha varma
rama bharatha varma
Pros: healthy life
Cons: self-pity and painful life