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Member Since:May 11, 2003
0 MS Points
Aperson with love for honesty, capable of writing with conviction very curious and always have a sense of wonder highly creative adaptable and love to take up challenges in anyfield Perhaps mouthshut.com could make use of my telents !!!! . I am a poet , painter, public speaker and good conversationalist with interest in everything concerning human beings and animals and nature.I ahve published four volumes of poems in English and have conducted four exhibition of my paintings. Both in acrylic and oil on canvas I have also created over 168 digital paintings . My interests are reading writing painting making friends and maitain the relationship I have M.A and postgraduate degreee in marketing management was a proifessor of English but now a professor of marketing
About Me
Education: postgraduate in English ,advertising and manageme
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Diabetes -bet on it -live with it .-peacefully
Reviewed Dealing with Diabetes
Title: Review: Dear mouth shut readers, Bet on it Diabetes is deadly Slow but steadily it eats into you It stealthily walks into you Within you it anchoRead more...
Do what you like most
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
I t is a good question . How can art make you live in this world? Art is a gift of God and it is to be nursed into full bloom and fulfilment.Creativity cannotRead more...
Education in India
Reviewed Education as Business
Education in India is undergoing tremendous changes and one is at a loss to understand where we are going.Our sense values is losing its sheen and is subject Read more...
Indian boy wins spelling contest in America congr
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
R.B.K.varma Ref: The news item: Can you spell pococurante .in TOI dated 31-5-2003 The news about the Indian boy winning the spelling contest has inspired meRead more...
Reviewed Taking a Loan
Loan- YOU  ask  WE give  .then  ,  you, give, give, give…. Borrowing money no more invites any stigma. Perhaps, if you tell somebody that you never boRead more...
SobhaDe--a writer with a sharp edge
Reviewed Starry Nights - Shobha De
Sobha De—a writer with a sharp edge Sobha De is a writer who wields the pen with pungent ink within it sometimes loving .sometimes hurting ,at other tiRead more...
Be healthy and make others healthy and cheerful-L
Reviewed Knowing More About Diseases / Illness
Be healthy and make others healthy and cheerful –life’s mission Diseases are  both internally and externally caused. The surprising thing is thatRead more...
Growing in stature
Reviewed ICFAI Business School (IBS) - Hyderabad
Icfai started long back and in fact iwas one of its earlystudents for their dbf course .the institute used to advertise as a non profit organisationand their Read more...
Sail with sail it is strong as the steel it makes
Reviewed Steel Aut. Of India Ltd. - SAIL
SAIL is a giant and thegiant cannot falter at this stage.Ther restructuring efforts will bear fruit shortlyand teh effect will be tremendous.The bottomline wiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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