Very true.
This paper is good for its classifieds, ( if they are of any use to anyone, that is.
I mean look at it this way, ok? Of all the newspapers I Know, none seems to compare with the famous ones like Globe and Mail and The New York Times. And dont tell me we should not compare, if I am asking for quality news, I will compare.
I will compare every thing I am going to spend a dime on it. Now tell me, Half the paper if full of spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes. And whatever they do get right, is usually of no relevance to us.
Ok, Now I am not saying that things like sex and money and bar girls are all exciting, but why should a respectable paper do this dirty work? There are other ways people will get to read all this juice if they wanted to. And why harp about a dog swallowing a mobile phone, bar girls dancing in the bar , Australian sportsmen caught in one of those night clubs, Hello? Whats going on?
Sex, Sleaze, Money literally drives the human race, I agree. No mater how much we tom-tom about it being taboo and everything, you cant stop it. But then, Why DECCAN CHRONICLE?
I never read anything like that in the International Herald Tribune or The Washington Post or our own Hindu
Ok, You can yell back at me, about me comparing and every again. But like I said, I am comparing to the best, and apna DC has a thing or two to learn from its global or domestic Competitors.
get that editorial department to do something DC wale, it will be good for you.