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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Apr 25, 2004
0 MS Points
I am all geared up and running on the way to my financial freedom.The frustration of not having just enough money to buy anything i thought i wanted to, flared me up.I am a determined go-getter and carry a no-nonsense aura about me.I am quite fun-loving and enjoy friend's company.I can write a book on myself (everyone should!) so,this little space is an insult actually. Business,reading,Writing,Automobiles,Music
About Me
Education: BE,MBA (Marketing)
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James - an intense Movie!
Reviewed James
A Typical RGV movie. A new girl as usual? I am not much of a movie person, so would someone be kind enough to let me know who she is? And get some her some cRead more...
Dear Business person, You are dumb!!
Reviewed Tips on Earning Through Internet
Well, I was just wondering if all business sense just walked out of town. I am sure you visit so many websites everyday, but I tell you this, ladies and gentlRead more...
Dhakani Crow-nickel ??
Reviewed Deccan Chronicle
Very true. This paper is good for its classifieds, ( if they are of any use to anyone, that is. I mean look at it this way, ok? Of all the newspapers Read more...
Get the message people?
Reviewed Salaam Namaste
Salaam namaste was a very subtle knock on my head. I guess t should be a knock on every mans head today. Well, I admit the movie was treat, eye candy anRead more...
We have been taught all wrong!
Reviewed General Thoughts on Management
Ok. First things first, lets get this straight. I a m not frustrated, nor I am unhappy, so dont chip in with your silly remarks that I have lost iRead more...
The car from the rickety past!
Reviewed Tata Indica - Diesel
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have no idea as to I need to tell you about this one. A total no-brainer? or a box-on-wheels which never fails in its servRead more...
MBA - What's in it for YOU?
Reviewed Tips on Studying / Teaching English Abroad
If there is one aspect of study, one course, one time investment of a few lakhs of rupees, its  an ecstatic, euphoric & nostalgic 2 years of my life whiRead more...
Gosh..india is costly...!!
Reviewed Tips on Choosing a Email Service Provider
I am a budding entrepreneur and I would need a paid email solution provider. But you know what? I think studying like a good boy and getting good marks and Read more...
So you got a job?That don't impress me much
Reviewed Investing in Business Successfully
You are very well aware of the fact that the businesses surviving today are primarily based on the needs and wants of the consumers, and that is us. Now busiRead more...
Rediffmail pro ain't any pro!
Reviewed Rediffmailpro
Its difficult this web hosting and businessmail thing. I know what you are going through(Please make me feel happy that I am claiming to know somethingRead more...
The bank that should always have been
Reviewed HDFC Bank
Given the kind of trumatic experiencesI had with some leading banks in India. HDFC came in like an angel. It reeks off cool blue and the personnel the bank hRead more...
The Big bad ICICI Wolf
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Once upon a time,There was this cute little guy called me and he happened to have a bank account with ICICI. Well, I thoughtI would sRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
I knew it. It's going to bring this booming retailing industry down one day. if consumers are being smarter today, the businesses are still dumb. Is anyone listening?
My friend, Just Chill out and enjoy the movie, You can think about messages later. : )
Commented on poons15's review
No, i don't intend to spoil your party guys, but i was just wondering, if you could write reviews and you so hardworking ( I know how much time and effort to gotta spend on these PT stuff), Why don't you do freelancing? I am sure you can write for someone, do research on the web for someone, People Read More...
You know what? I was just wondering if we can do something about those children who cannot read or write english? C'mon, i know thereare NGO's But then, There could be more, and we will 'niche' the efforts for english language. Shoot NOW. I don't know, and hey, You just got me thinking.
rediffmail.pro,Indiatimes meramail,apnamail hosting - spacetolet..my friends tried them,they are cribbing endless now.So what say?
Looking att he kind of things people are going through,i wonder where this mammoth is headed to.It's asking for extinction.The dumb big Dinosaur.
Will someone get me a new set of fingers?Why am i typing so pathetically?sorry abt the irrelevancy of the comment.I had to let myself out.
Hmm...I never knew this part.The cash deposit part,i mean. Well,i still have the ICICI bank accnt and haven't closed it.Hey,So if i deposit cash in Hyderabad,it won't reflect in Bangalore branches?
True.It may have a few cons,but it's a million times better than ICICI.And that technology,i must admit it's great pal.Check out their webbie,ok?ANd yes,that netsafe thing is way too cool.You know what?While filling in details of your shopping(like price to be debited from ur account!),if you goof u Read More...
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