I have made an online payment to Deja Vu Trends.com to purchase phones Nokia Lumia 520 on 16 Apr 2014.
After waiting few days I did not receive my phone hence I called them and write an e-mail to them. They assurance me to ship the phone in 7-10 working days, however, they did not.
I again wrote to them and called their customer support number but no gain. Again called and open ticket on their support but now they stop picking my phone.
Invoice #100005917 for Order #100018270
Item Sku Qty Subtotal
Nokia Lumia 520(Black) PRLZQ88 1 Rs. 6, 733.33
Subtotal Rs. 6, 733.33
Discount Rs. 700.00
Grand Total(Excl.Tax) Rs. 6, 033.33
VAT 12.5%(12.5%)
Rs. 841.67
Rs. 841.67
Grand Total(Incl.Tax) Rs. 6, 875.00.