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Member Since:Nov 04, 2008
0 MS Points
i love life, i am very playful and sometimes also very serious,creative (I`m an artist;_) and always searching for my way, i love nature,the mountains,the sea,plants, colours and arts and being together with other nice people,i`m a faboulus listener and a good mediator, one of my greatest loves is music ( and dancing ) i`m very philosophic and love to play with kids. Enjoying the all colors of life. Trying to live in each & very moment. Caring, loving and open minded. Whole universe is mine :) including you. Playing Chess, reading philosophy books and playing with kids.
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Dejavutrends.com Did Not Ship My Online Purchases
Reviewed Dejavutrends
I have made an online payment to Deja Vu Trends.com to purchase phones Nokia Lumia 520 on 16 Apr 2014. After waiting few days I did not receive my phone hencRead more...
Good but not value for money.
Reviewed The Village Indiranagar - Avenue Road - Bangalore
We occasionally go to Village at 100th Ft Road Indira Nagar. Usually I go with my family and some time with friends. As per our experience ( I am including mRead more...
Small shops are better than Reliance Fresh.
Reviewed Reliance Fresh - Bangalore
I visit Reliance Fresh at New Thippasandra nea Indira nagar as I stay in that area only. I almost daily visit this store and came out disappointed. Only few tRead more...
Better than other Banks.
Reviewed HDFC Bank
Most Safe and reliable banks are Govt banks like SBI. I am customer of HDFC bank since 4 years. And extensively using the Netbanking. My personal feeling aboRead more...
Pros & Cons.
Reviewed Front Loading Vs. Top Loading Washing Machines
Front Loading Washing Machine: Fully automatic. Better washing than toploading as technologically proofed. No extra effort except putting cloths and detergeRead more...
Better but not Best. Can be Best.
Reviewed Bangalore Public School - Bangalore
My daughter is studing in Nusery in New Horizone Public School, Indira Nagar 100ft Road. I would like the share my feeling about this school. I wish they impRead more...
Not good for family.
Reviewed Dalethorpe Bungalow - Kodaikanal
Dalethorpe Bungalow, located little from city and lake. I stayed on first week of Oct 2008 with my family. We had taken suite which cost Rs 1990 + 12.5% tax. Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Followed soniarun10
Commented on devashishmehta's article
Where is Man Rule ? Some one write that too :)
Commented on jagdeepsingh16's article
Life is simply wonderful ... enjoy it, rejoice it. Very well said paaji. Tu si Chha gaye. To pass the message well one must tell a beautifull story. Thanks for writing and sharing. Cheers, Dhayan.
Life is simply wonderful ... enjoy it
Commented on prajapati2611's review
I am a E-Bay customer and I recently ordered a costly camera ( 20K) and I got it on time. Some points we need to consider while on Net Purchasing. Keep connected with Buyer. Contact him before purchasing any item. For Ex. is desire item is available or not, what is the refund policy, what is the d Read More...
Rated on g_skariah's review
Followed reflection_of_mine
Rated on reflection_of_mine's review
Followed conqueror
Commented on conqueror's article
Good thought Most permanent thing in existence is CHANGE. Accept it and enjoy it, its a beauty of nature.
Begin of Another Unique day.
Commented on sridhara's article
Happy Friendship. Gr8 to read about your ship. Hope this ship able to face all roar of soceity sea. wish you all the best. I loke your suggestion and advices to maintain the friendship. GR8 Dhayan.
Followed sridhara
Commented on saumitra.1971's article
Friendship or Wife/Husband Your subject line mean topic itself wrong. There is not difference between Love and Friendship. If some one feel so than he/she dont know neither love nor friendship. One can not become a friend until and unless you hv love. Love mean you are friend to some one, you are Read More...
Commented on kavya2541's article
You are in perfect place now. You joined the Mouthshut, that is enough to make friend. First put yourself by posting diary to know other about your view and thinking. You will get best friend indeed. Cheers, dhayan.
Followed kirti.rath , subhash_jsr , Shalu.D , JaveedAhmedM , aaryesdee
(Updated Nov 14, 2008)
Dear Parents/ future parents, Wish you a very happy Childern Day today. I was searching some matterial on Net on parenting. I found one site which touched my heart and soul. Would like to share with you. Read the below link to know more about child mind, psychology, behaviour and parenting. http Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi Anuthiru, I am not sure but I guess there are 5 to 6 classes for Nursery and each class has around 40-50 kids. Each class has two teachers as well one maid servant. As I said, selection of kid not only depends on interview of kid but also other factors like, any sibling, distance from school, e Read More...
Commented on yudhir7's review
Pls mention your location/ area also. Provide the detail of connection which you had in TATA ?
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Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
Sanjna Suresh (@KaarTech_IndiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Pragnesh Patel (@pragneshpatel19292MouthShut Verified Member)
Hasid (@HasidMouthShut Verified Member)
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Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajkumar Sunka (@rajkumarsunkaa88MouthShut Verified Member)
JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)