I first tried Diet Coke when I was at a friends house, and they happen to have diabetes so they cant drink stuff with lots of sugar in it. So they drink all diet stuff. I feel so sorry for them, not being able to drink normal Coke and being stuck with drinking Diet.
Now dont kid yourself, Diet Coke may have less Kilojules, than just plain Coke, and therefore is less fattening, but it doesnt taste the same as the advertisers say. If you are going to drink a soft drink at least drink a real and decent one. Coke has to be a lot better than Diet Coke so drink it instead. It doesnt taste the same as Coke it is less bubbly and doesnt taste right.
Try Zero Coke. It tastes pretty much the same as Coke. In 100ml of Coke there are about 305 Kilojules and in Zero Coke there are only like 30 something.
Im a Coke fan, so for those of you who are like me you just cant beat the real thing, can you?