The problem we people have is that we over -simplify things. a friend of mine was a big fan of the former Miss Britian, Danielle Lloyd before Miss Lloyd proved to be a racist and mouthed slander against our very own Shilpa Shetty. Ok so that was a terrible thing to do, racism is bad, period. But does that make Miss Lloyd an all around bad person?A person can be beautiful and ugly in the same bone and beauty pageants dont even give us the slightest glimpse into the latent beauty of the contestants.
Scandal is universally indulged and since it does not involve saints, tv shows capitalize mostly on the bad and the ugly and briefly consider the good. They take us into the lives of debauched despots, who sleep by the day, merry-make and quaff wine by the night, make blithe mistakes and never learn from them. Beauty pagents life supply is the skin show. Who would want to watch veiled goddesses romping on the ramp? Or fat ladies with ponderous breasts? Everyone likes skinny, lissome figures. inner beauty schmeuty . The articulately worded answers in the question and answer round are carefully written and taught to the contestants. Their only achievement is going out there, being bold, looking pretty, tramping around in high heels. The rest is all handled by others.
I dont think that beauty, apart from the beauty of the skin, is ever brought out in these contests. These people are beautiful bodies on the outside and just plain human on the inside. They do have some good that stands- out, but is never unveiled before the audience. Whatever is beautiful in these contests is always the sort of thing that can be seen, and held. and ultimately manhandled.