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Member Since:Jul 30, 2004
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Education: grade 11th
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Reviewed Do Beauty Pageant Contests Bring Out the Beauty Of a Person
The problem we people have is that we over -simplify things. a friend of mine was a big fan of the former Miss Britian, Danielle Lloyd before Miss Lloyd provRead more...
A very short review
Reviewed Star Voice of India
Personally I feel that harshit was the best singer out of all the participants, though definitely not a favourite with me. his voice was absolutely amazing, Read more...
Where roasted coffee tickles the tip of your nose
Reviewed Koffee with Karan - TV Serials Star World TV Channel
In this review join me as I delve deep into a few episodes ofKWK where karans charisma sits uneasily with the much craved koffee. Karan , purportedly, inviteRead more...
A specks,braces+umbrella story
Reviewed Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi - TV Serials Sony TV Channel
This one is kinda sad. But I think it should be told making my 6th ever review. Jassi stretches from the Ekta-ian department of social (not) cum fairytale cuRead more...
Kahin to hoga and other habitats
Reviewed Kahin to Hoga
Kahin to hoga certainly comes in the spaghetti with shaving cream (with yorkshire gravy and tapioca) department of service. That’s what u make of any drRead more...
Riazada inferno
Reviewed Sindoor ... Tere Naam Ka
“Kesar” maybe ridiculous but trust me “Sindoor” is no great substitute, (morning’s repeat telecasts I am talking about). “Read more...
A pointless remake of pp
Reviewed Bride and Prejudice
I haven?t seen this movie because its not worth watching and what I saw in the trailer and the songs which came on B4U and a heard a little of the story (untiRead more...
Wind all the five parts up for the 1/2 blud princ
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J K Rowling
?He looked rather like an old lion there were streaks of grey in his mane of tawny hair and bushy eyebrows he had keen yellowing eyes behind a pair of wired fRead more...
Concept and story
Reviewed Ye Meri Life Hai
Yeh meri life hai circles around Pooja a vivacious and spirited 17 year old teenager who comes from a conservative and low class gujrati background. Pooja is Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on criminal_no_786's review
before placing a large demand on life - like that for katrina- i hope you do realize, that you are not quite a looker yourself.
Commented on Raju's review
its straight up mean , calling tanushree and the guy whose name is sonu by the way, ugly. i know ive regretted the times i called ppl po- faced. a nice review btw. sanskritii
Commented on dreamer_1982's review
if u would maintain a not so unemotional take on 12 year old girls, u would realize they would never take this movie with high esteem. -sanskrittii
Commented on qaidi_no_786's review
did u just say jhonny lever was sexy? ur teacher shud know better than to kiss posters of kishan kumar in classrooms. thats very irresponsible behavoir.
is it true? you have girlfriends? qaidi, i m sure they must be counting their blessings. u r a very sentimental poet. girlfriends like. mmmmm.
i for one do not regret wasting my time reading ur revu when all it required was a cursory research. afterall its a time well wasted.
u r a genius in the art of comedy. i absolutely love reading ur furor-inducing revus. sanskritii
i wonder how long u mused at the following rhyming words: laloo, aaloo and bhaloo. saskritii
hounding 4 goodlooking women on ms must be painstaking work. i hope your 4 good writers appreciate ur efforts.
Followed cashdogg , nikamma1112 , abhi lin , axl_izzy_duff_slas , c3p01999
abhi lin
Commented on c3p01999's review
gr8 first review on a heavily poopy movie.the only best movie made in this genre of movies is teenage ninja turtles. my all time favourite.
Commented on moviereviews's review
sexual scenes can b very ... sexual. but i think rating it a 1 is too harsh. so is it real that the spirit actually came to shah jahan?
Followed sandy_nair
Commented on Diptikamath's review
so u get 000 mails? sad.... just so u know madrasa boys in pakistan play cricket on streets withtheir 'hari pagrees' trailing behind them and hoot at female passerbys to an inch of their lives ( and dignity). they go 'dhanda dahnda'.
Commented on bhushan28's review
r u sure the slogan said larr ke rahen ge hindustan? and that it goes on till date? coz pakistan is highly unresourced as compared to india. i agree with walrus, the reason theres been strifes b/w both the countries is coz both were at fault . koshish we have a lil misconception there. india do Read More...
Commented on eyesopen's review
stopping the water supply is a bad idea though. and i think its kinda harsh calling the country pathetic. to anindian: its dirtiest and pakistanis. and dont worry they wont poke their knives behind ur back ;)
Commented on own review
eshi u r rite maybe next time ill peepee.......... bwahahahhaha and its a bye
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