Dominos pizzas are now deteriorating fast, be it their quality of stuff and variety and the toppings, or the service.This is the only company claiming that they deliver in 30 mins. I work in gurgaon, they never deliver pizza in 30 mins. They very confidently say, "in gurgaon its not possible to deliver in 30 mins. We will deliver it in 45 mins with full payment. You take it or you leave it. They have gone so rude that they use this words now-a-days.
I stay in Delhi, hence order pizza there too. Last week, I ordered pizza from dominos at 7.45 pm. The delivery came at 8.20 pm. When I called them up to claim the discount, they denied and LIED without listening to my logics. I had checked the timings of both my order booking and their delivery boy ringing my door bell, which I tried to explain to them again and again, but the lady at the call centre refused to admit that the pizza has come after 30 their watch it was still 25 mins.
I refused to take the order and cancelled the same (Slept hungry at night.What kind of liars are these people who never admit their mistakes. Just for the sake of 300-400 Rs. they lose their customers like this. As far as Im concerned, I have so many better options than going for DOMINOS.
Papa Johns, Slice of Italy and Pizza hut all are near my house. So next time, Im not going to call the liars.