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Member Since:Mar 09, 2009
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Never take their Help
Reviewed Crossroads Tour Operators - Delhi
I am a member of Crossroads, Delhi car maintenance service on roads, for the last 2 years and paying my membership duly to them.  The process is, they call mRead more...
Never again.....to Westview hotel
Reviewed Ranikhet
Ranikhet is a place people go for total relaxation, to spend some time in its calmness and beautiful surroundings under the pine trees and the beauty of snow Read more...
Duplicate artists
Reviewed Zangoora - the Gypsy Prince
Zangoora show is very ok to watch for once, but two things to take care, do not go in for very costly tickets, it is same wherever you sit, you will enjoy theRead more...
Never order Pizza from Dominos
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - MG Road - Gurgaon
Dominos pizzas are now deteriorating fast, be it their quality of stuff and variety and the toppings, or the service.This is the only company claiming that thRead more...
Customer Relationship
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing
I have a Santro-Zing car for the last 3 years. The car is excellent and I love the drive in it. The problem stays with the customer care dept. They have by miRead more...
Not very upto date restaurant
Reviewed Fa Yian - Connaught Place - Delhi
I went to this place first time, just 2 days back. Outside the place, its dust and parking The place inside is very small, even the waiters standing in a cornRead more...
Pind baluchi
Reviewed Pind Balluchi - Lajpat Nagar 2 - Delhi
This is true, till the time you experience this restaurant, one thinks that it will be a very good punjabi food. When I went there, first thing is the smell oRead more...
Very helpful service provider
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I am a user of Airtel services for the last 2 years and appreciate its services are far better than any other competitor today. Its network is excellent. I weRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
I forgot to mention in my review one thing.....the Westview hotel doesn't have any credit card payment option, this they didn't tell us earlier....so while checking out from there, we had to part from almost all the cash whatever we took. Also there are not many of ATMs at Ranikhet, so when we went Read More...
kjfdkj lkje lkj
Pls tell me a good hotel to stay in Ranikhet.
Commented on kamleshiitd's review
Why don't u call up their no.198. I am a user for the last 9 years and no such problem till date. : )
Commented on rahulmathurbpl's review
I have somewhat the same type of views for this movie. Obviously its a joke on the engineering college students as well as the teachers, becoz of whom the students get into lots of pressures and commit suicide, and there's no one to look for the causes, this was one of the major issues in the movie Read More...
Rated on rahulmathurbpl's review
Commented on swap_t's review
I have too seen this movie, nice and soothing romance. It resembles somewhat like hindi movie 'akhiyon ke jharoke se'.
Commented on vindasani's review
I could really watch this ad more than 100 times......every time I keep thinking, how can a mom give a punishment to such a cuuuuuute kiddo......he is really cho chweet..
Commented on jk176's review
quick cab charges at Rs.7.5 per km, hence, it should be Rs.225. Why he charged u more ? Contact someone senior at their end. To me also it happened once, the driver didn't switched on the AC with same reasons.
Commented on keira's review
best season to go to singapore is in nov-dec, as if u are going there for shopping also, u will get lots' of sale and discounts at christmas time.
Commented on discerning_user's review
yes even i agree on the same abt this show
Commented on lost_not.found's review
Since your all relations in india, there's nothing better than living with your OWN people. Be indian and be in India.
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