I wont recommend visiting this doctor at all at his private clinic in Bangalore. He exploited us by unnecessary prescribing lots of medicines, creams, lotions, face wash etc. Well all this is acceptable if he had at least treated us well. We found that he prescribed lesser dose of medicine. Due to which problem aggravated a lot. He kept us saying to go for regular fruit peel for 10-12 times (every two weeks) which cost around 2500 for one time. Nutshell...
Ask everything in detail in case you visit him. He speaks very fast and very less in order to cut the discussion short. Keep asking questions until you are satisfied.
When you come out, do not buy medicines from his clinic. Take second opinion from another dermatologist and then decide to buy from his clinic or not.
Take second opinion on "procedures" he recommends to get done at his clinic in Bangalore. Fruit peel, salicylic peel or any other procedure.
I am sure you will be surprised at the end. Nutshell just listens to your gut feel, intelligence and second/third opinion. The staff behaves very well and very polished and pose quite genuine until you visit them. When you ask for case summary or some more queries you will see the true color.