I am a homoeopathic doctor. I prefer to read and write reviews related to homoeopathy. Practicing medicine is different from other professions with all obvious reasons. The parameters to decide authenticity, reliability, efficacy of a professional is different from other professions. The current trend in corporate world is a mindset which has only one essence.....
Target achievement which is calculated with the parameter of profit, worth in terms of money spent on it. Most of the people have started utilizing these parameters used in practicing management for deciding the authenticity, efficacy and reliability of the products they buy or sell. This might be because we are spending more time of the day in calculating profitability and work efficiency on our work place with no time to realize human aspect of any profession. It is constant development of a thought process which has a solitary goal.....Profitable outcome. Everybody has started acting as a customer and forgotten that he is a customer by rule of law but he is a patient by rule of nature.
Is it a right trend? Can we decide the efficacy, reliability of treatment with similar rules? In my point of you (which might not satisfy all readers), we should not try to do it using the similar parameters because end product is different. End product is a product made by a service provider, closest to the product desired by the end user. If an end product is non-living, then it can be made nearest to the desire of a customer. But if it is related to nature (living), it is always not possible to satisfy your customer (read patient).
This is what is happening with medical profession. We cannot satisfy desires of every patient in our clinics because we cannot satisfy them beyond medical and natural limitations. Desires of patients have no limitations. Unfortunately, every case is different; results vary case to case with lots of uncertain variability. Nothing can be generalized in medicine.Not all patients understand these facts.
Why are we not behaving like a patient? Ask yourself....you are first a patient or a customer. Whenever we go to a medical doctor we expect everything like a patient but behave like a customer. Why? I know there are some black sheep in medical profession but they are there in every profession. Should we label the whole profession for it?I found an interesting argument in some of the reviews. Someone has written that since doctor couldnt speak english properly, he should be labeled as inefficient doctor. For your kind information doctors dont have english as a subject in their curriculum. They read medicine not humanities.
Yes, the mode of language is english but this much english is known to every person in this profession. This comment was surely written by a person who is unfortunately still a ‘slave of white skin. Pity on him!The sole motive of mouthshut.com was to bring the voice of common man to reach other people but people have started using it to pour out their frustration with abusive (read abusive facts) and improper usage of words which is unfortunately misguiding others. It is a request to all the readers and the people who write reviews. You can abuse anybody not only by your abusive words but also by your abusive facts and ideas put in nice words. So, use your words carefully.
Tell your experience, they are welcome, put your rating in the specified column but please dont pass your judgement. Avoid putting your words in somebody elses mouth. Let the readers decide and come to the conclusion. Dont make MOUTHSHUT a place for ’MEDIA TRIAL with unilateral comments and explanations reflecting hatred and frustration rather than honest, unprejudiced, multilingual and multifaceted assessment. Your responses are welcome!