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Member Since:May 21, 2004
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Education: bachelor
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Is it a media trial
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Aundh - Pune
I am a homoeopathic doctor. I prefer to read and write reviews related to homoeopathy. Practicing medicine is different from other professions with all obviouRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Commented on supratik007's review
I too do not agree with his copying of an article published in some country where people are doing research on something which is already proved in Ayurveda 1000 of yrs ago and claim that it is their discovery. For the information of the reviewer, In India homeopathy was brought and spread by allopa Read More...
Commented on own review
Dear Innovator, your impulsiveness and use of aggressive threatening words has again proved me right. Your immaturity and hatred is reflected in your words where anybody who is trying to contradict you gets an abusive slashing from you. I have written in my review that it is good that we shoul Read More...
Commented on abhishk.indian's review
dear abhish, I will not comment on the results what you got from the specified clinic but i will definetely put a strong protest against your statement that doctors working with different chains and bigger clinic cannot start their own clinics because of their lacking in skills. This shows you r sti Read More...
Commented on neeraj79's review
Again the similar kind of review. Please tell about effect of the treatment. How much time have you taken the treatment? Don’t pass your judgement about the contents- finesteride or minoxydil. Boss, the day you would be able to tell the name of a medicines only by seeing them once, you will get a no Read More...
Commented on gobald's review
continued......So, I would like to suggest you to use your own intellectual faculty taking into consideration all positives and negatives of the conditions whenever you are going to any doctor for consultation. Being a doctor, I can also be biased towards doctors. There is no forced opinion from my Read More...
Dear Mr Curious, I don’t want to challenge your intellectual assets but being a doctor I would like to ask you a very simple question. Ask a doctor specially if he/she is from your family, what is the thing they are most concerned for their patients. You will get an answer.....free advise availab Read More...
Commented on chiranjib_c's review
continued..... Another thing, take an example, If some doctor treats 100 patients, out of them 15-20 will not be satisfied (it is humanly not possible to satisfy 100% patient). Have you ever seen a satisfied patient writing/speaking about the doctor in newspaper/blogs/articles/TV? Only cases wh Read More...
continued.... Unfortunately, every case is different; results vary case to case with lots of uncertain variability. Nothing can be generalized in medicine. Not all patients understand these facts. Why are we not behaving like ’a patient’? Ask yourself....you are first a ’patient’ Read More...
I am a homoeopathic doctor. I prefer to read and write reviews related to homoeopathy. Practicing medicine is different from other professions with all obvious reasons. The parameters to decide authenticity, reliability, efficacy of a professional is different from other professions. Read More...
Just catch a glimpse of the first comment by someone. He wrote 'awesome review'. Your review has already started doing the damage. I am sure he is a person who doesnt know even 'abc' of homoeopathy and it's education. But he is writing as if you have spoken his words. Is it his mistake? No! But w Read More...
By the way Mr chiranjiv, who told u that there are no medicines in homoeopathy for hair fall. Is this a response filtered through your limited knowledge about homoeopathy and pathology of hairfall. I think both. Hairfall is a generalised term used by a layman like you. For doctors it is a symptom wh Read More...
continued.... It is a request to all the readers and the people who write reviews. You can abuse anybody not only by your abusive language but also by your abusive facts and ideas. So, use your words carefully. Tell your experience, they are welcome, put your rating in the specif Read More...
I will give another example. Taking the similar analogy of MBBS and BHMS. Take the case of SCIENCE and COMMERCE. In every college and university in India, the cut-off is always more for science stream. Does this mean that whoever has taken commerce is having low level of IQ? You mean to say that eco Read More...
Here, you also told people that homoeopaths are the people who completed their degree in BHMS because they could not get admission in MBBS. What a joke! Why are you trying to force your illogical, inexperienced, baseless thoughts on others. There is one Institute called Read More...
Commented on vinayshivakumar's review
Come on! This is very unfortunate that some people still behave like 'slaves of white skin'. How can you say that the person who has written the specified blog/website is authentic. Homoeopathy is not popular in many parts of the world, not because it doesn't work but because it needs a fi Read More...
Dear All, It was very disturbing to read the review by Mr Chiranjiv. First of all, Mr chiranjiv, u wrote about some Dr Dubey, I am sure u are talking about Dr S K Dubey (late Dr S K Dubey) who was a gem we lost an yr back. May god bless his soul in heaven and send similar kind of Read More...
Commented on drasad's review
Dear Drasad, I will advise you to read and experience about homoeopathy rather than spending time on writing this much big essay. If u would have spent this much time in reading something about homoeopathy, u would have never commented in this review. Either u are against homoeopathy because it' Read More...
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