I was looking for a place to share my experience with Dr Batras clinic and I found this link. And I was not surprised to see that everyone who has given feedback, is not happy about it.
I have a chronic allergy problem and we tried everything possible to handle my regaulr cold, cough, running nose in Bangalore. Was considering Homeopathic when we saw this Ad about Dr Batras and wanted to try. Went to their clinic in Jayanagar. It took almost more than half an hour to get to meet someone. Any new patient gets seen by the clinic incharge. More than a doctor, she seems to be trained in marketing and how to sell your product. She spoke pretty nicely, told me confidently that this can be rectified, asked me huge set of questions. Then gave me the idea about their business. Each consulation charge is 1000/-. Else take a membership (pay in thousands) and get committed for years with Dr Batras. I decided no but my wife persuaded to try as I was having real bad problems everyday. Paid them 13K by credit card and got the medicines for 2 weeks. And then started the real stuff. Everytime, I used to go there, there has to be waiting for atleast 40-50 minutes. They do a very bad time management. More than that, as soon as I paid, my case was transferred to some other doctor. I refused for that saying I agreeed for paying because I was talking to you and I want that senior doctor to see me. They gave all kind of reasons and finally transferred me to those junior doctors. This doctors hardly knows anything.. Everytime you go there, they will ask you how are you and same set of questions, feed their answers into their computers and based on computers reply, gives some medicine.. Thats it.. Believe me I kept going for 2 years and only thing he used to say homeopathy takes time, I will change the medicine etc but I couldnt see any relief..
I tried escalating my case to senior doctors, told to the doctor I was referring, gave feedback on their website etc etc but no respite.. go to that doctor, tell him your condition is the same and he gives you some medicines...
I strongly feel that this guys are cheating people on the name of Dr Batras.. Doing advertisement in the name of medicine is first of all so cheap.. and then having some good looking receptionists and unprofessional doctors doesnt help. Im pretty sure Dr Batra has fed all his medications into a computer and this doctos just search using some specific words and presribe those medicines.. They hardly know anything.. For everything, their answer used to be, yes, there were other cases like you but they have improved.. absolutely nothing technical. Simply pathetic. I spoke to other folks while waiting in their clinic and heard the same voice from most of them. They are cheating people by advertising the promises for complete treatment...
They talk about big things about chat with senior doctors, seminars, their social committments etc but most of this are fake and doesnt work.. I wish somebody could go and take proper legal action against Dr Batra...