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Member Since:Jun 28, 2005
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Batra Clinic - Cheaters making money
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Lokhandwala - Mumbai
I was looking for a place to share my experience with Dr Batras clinic and I found this link. And I was not surprised to see that everyone who has givenRead more...
Wet n Wild Resorts Gurgaon - Better skip this
Reviewed Wet n Wild Resort - Gurgaon
While we were looking for options for a good resort to spend the whole day with lot of activities, one option suggested by few was Wet n Wild Resorts. After tRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Rated on dkalpesh's review
Rated on salilsalil's review
Commented on Taurusbull's review
Great review.. Welcome to the group !!! I hope you are on ford fusion yahoo group.. I own it for 3.5 years now and I still feel the same.. Owner of exclusive Fusion !!!!
Rated on Taurusbull's review
Commented on bhasker's review
Hey Bhaskar, Scary incident. I have good experience with South City Noida till now (infact got my fusion serviced today itself and it was pretty well handled). Suggest you to lodge a formal complaint to Ford head office at Chennai (write2md@ford.com or something similar, you can get it from their we Read More...
Commented on sunilrao21's review
Well, most of the members of club mahindra are not happy and upset because of this. But Club Mahindra hardly care as of now.. They would realize it very soon.. I myself have pulled 12 people who were ready to take the membership but stepped back after talking to me.. I'm surprised that Club Mahindra Read More...
Rated on rock75's review
Commented on rajnishkapur's review
You can always get it cancelled. Write to their member relations head and get it cancelled. If you need further details, you can join the yahoo group called clubmahindra and learn/share with other members..
Commented on Harassedcustomer's review
Friend, You are not the only one with this feedback.. There are many who have faced this and I keep telling them but it falls to deaf ears.. They are hardly bothered, busy with making new customers with false promises and making them unhappy.
Commented on BraveHeart's review
Hey Venkat, You are one of many customers of Club Mahindra who has been cheated by their Sales Staff. Problem is that they still do not realize what is happening. Either their senior management policy is to cheat and grow OR they are fool to not realize what is happening. Join the yahoo groups of cl Read More...
Commented on nitinsareen's review
I would not recommend Club Mahindra being a member for 3 years. Their marketing team is set of cheaters who will do anything to sell you a product by giving false information. Booking is also not easy. Their resorts are good (some) and others are OK. Few resort which are in lease with some other res Read More...
Commented on zorro64's review
Royal palms have 4 resorts in Goa. I have been to the one on Baga beach and it is just OK.. Nothing great as they talk about. BIgger problem is that when they start troubling you to buy their membership.. Food at the restaurant was very bad (may be because not many people eat there).
Commented on mouthshutidforgiri's review
Dr Batra is all talks but no truth.. They have very untrained and unprofessional people sitting as doctors.. One would be good and mostly that person would sell you Dr Batra. Once you pay the money, you are stuck in their trap and things change completely.. The medicine also doesn't work great.. any Read More...
Commented on guyind1975's review
I have stayed in great outdoor resorts at Karwar which is a resort on the island and my stay was very comfortable. They really took care of us. I also felt devbagh is more of a hyped place.
Rated on enidhi's review
Commented on JayWalker's review
More details please. A hotel review should have details about food, transport arrangement, service, cost etc..
Rated on JayWalker's review
Commented on IndianTraveler's review
I would expect more details to be utilize this review. Please also explain your reasoning behind the excellent rating on value for money.. There seems to be a lot of reviews on Club Mahindra in 1 day and that too from folks who are writing reviews for the first time.. Seems like Mouthshut is being u Read More...
Rated on IndianTraveler's review
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